Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Auto Insurance, Life Insurance, and More in Arkansas

Auto Insurance

In 1997, the State of Arkansas started tracking the registered motor vehicles in the state with their vehicle liability insurance. This means that the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the motor vehicle in Arkansas must match its corresponding insurance policy declared on the States Office of Motor Vehicle database. Aside from having the same insurance policy on the data base, the state also requires all the vehicles registered in the state to have the required minimum liability insurance.

For bodily injury per one person, the required amount is $25,000 per accident. For bodily injury for two or more persons per accident, the required amount is $50,000.

The property damage per accident is $25,000.

All drivers driving in the streets, roads and highways of the state must carry their insurance cards and must present them to the officer of the law in case of an accident or a traffic stop.

The States Office of Motor Vehicles also requires all insurance companies to notify them of any non-renewal, cancellation and lapses in policy. This means that once your insurance is no longer valid, your vehicle registration is automatically suspended. You will then have to reinstate it and show your proof of liability insurance if you want to legally use it.

Home Insurance

Homeowners in the State of Arkansas generally choose from the three most common types of home insurance in the state: the basic, the broad and the special.

The basic home insurance protects the home from the basic perils, such as fire, lightning, hail, windstorm and theft. The broad home insurance protects the home from the basic perils plus the additional six other perils, such as building collapse, weight of snow or ice and damage from home appliances.

The special home insurance protects the home from all the perils except for earthquake and flood. If you want to have protection or coverage against fire and earthquake, the insurance companies can offer them at additional cost.

The premium for home insurance in the state depends on the following factors: the size of the home and other buildings in the property, the construction cost of the home, the chances of natural disaster occurring in the area, the material of the home, the location of the fire department in relation to the home and the crime rate in the neighborhood. These are the common factors that affect the rate of premium. There are, however, additional ways to reduce the premium; such as availing of the discounts. The best way to get the best price is for homeowners to shop around for home insurance and inquire about how they can avail the discounts they qualify for.

Health & Life Insurance

With the increasing cost of health care, it is important to get health insurance. In the State of Arkansas, there are several ways to find affordable insurance for the whole family. The first thing to do is to shop around for health insurance. Do your research and you will certainly find several insurers that will offer you health insurance that fits your budget. The next thing is try to get the major medical coverage.

Now under the law of the state, insurance companies are prohibited denial or limitation of coverage if you are under a group plan. The law also prohibits insurance companies from canceling a policy because of illness. If you are unable to get health insurance because of a preexisting condition, the Arkansas Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool will offer you coverage.

Now, in terms of life insurance, the most common types in the state are term life insurance and cash value insurance.
The term life insurance shall cover you for a period of one to several years and will pay the death benefit if you die during the covered period.

The cash value insurance is lifetime coverage. At the same time, you can borrow money from the insurance or your policy. This, of course, has higher premium.

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