Smelly feet can be not only embarrassing but uncomfortable as well, normally caused by the side-effect of excessive sweating it is one of the major foot problems around.
Smelly feet can also be caused by an inherited condition called hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, both of which primarily affects' males.
Smelly feet are the last thing anyone needs: Smelly feet are unluckily a part of our lives, the problem is caused when bacteria break down the surface of the skin and this is particularly visible around the toes and on weight bearing areas and appears as numerous superficial pits and is an embarrassing situation and a lot of people are affected with this disorder.
Fortunately, smelly feet generally can be controlled with a few preventive measures.
What can happen through having smelly feet: A twenty two year old man allegedly stabbed his room-mate to death one Saturday night in Houston during a drunken argument over smelly feet.
Police in the southwestern town of Kaiserslautern are reported to have said that having been called out to investigate what some neighbours thought was the smell of a dead body, but upon investigation, instead of a corpse, they found a tenant with very smelly feet, asleep in bed next to a pile of foul-smelling laundry.
Bet the neighbours harboured murders thoughts about him too.
What results in smelly feet: Sweaty feet can result in very smelly feet.
I had a very bad problem with smelly feet at one point in my life, wearing riding boots most of the time and having very hard skin on my feet made them quite revolting, I was forever washing them.
I was more prone to smelly feet, because I was wearing the same boots daily, but there are a lot of factors that contribute to foot odor, including cleanliness and hygiene habits, propensity to sweat, cleanliness of socks and shoes, and breath-ability of footwear.
Note: Riding boots do not breathe well! I got my smelly feet under control, thank God, because it was unbearable, not just to me but to those I love.
Here are some best tips for you to get rid of smelly feet easily: Most people manage to keep sweaty smelly feet under control if they make an effort, and believe it or not, spraying the feet in the morning with a regular underarm antiperspirant/deodorant also helps stop smelly feet.
One of the best things that you can do to prevent smelly feet if possible is to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row.
Give your shoe at least a 24-hour breather to remove built up moisture and smells, put shoe odor-eater inserts into your shoes, apply antiperspirant or deodorants on your feet, you can get home remedies for Smelly Feet from 'The Body Shop' where you can also get a foot-o-file which is brilliant for getting rid of any hard skin on your feet, believe me the relief of getting rid of hard skin is wonderful, and it also greatly reduces the smell when you do this! Little tip here, use the foot-o-file in the bath under water, as this works far better.
Before wearing your shoes, you can dust your feet with baby powder or even baking soda to minimize sweating, one of my friends who had chronic foot odor dealt with it by soaking his feet in strong black tea for 30 minutes a day for a week, it worked for him it could for you.
Peoples, smelly feet are indeed gross.
Although smelly feet are indeed gross, some people have a fetish about them, laughing, not me, yuck! I saw a message on a chat room once where some guy commented 'I suggest that you have me lick your feet and suck on your toes often to help with this "problem'.
Another guy was advertizing and he said in his advert 'Hi, Love to buy some smelly shoes ' I cannot think of anything more revolting personally.
I had a pair of really revolting smelly winter boot years ago, and my neighbour had twin sons, who openly used to come into my hallway and make a bee line to them, picking them up and sticking their noses into them taking a good whiff, laughing, I dumped them really fast, this horrified me! Foot facts: Dust your feet frequently with a non-medicated baby powder or foot powder.
Athlete's foot won't respond to an antibacterial agent because it's caused by a fungus infection, you should use an anti-fungal powder and good foot hygiene to treat athlete's foot; yes I have had this as well, laughing.
In our society where cleanliness is indeed next to godliness we can't afford to smell anything but good, including our foot region.
While some people can tolerate bad breath, there is something about foot odor that causes most people to run in a different direction, and don't we all know why! The foot is a complex area consisting of twenty-six bones, thirty-three joints, and several ligaments, muscles, veins, arteries, and nerves, a primary weight-bearing structure the foot is subject to more deforming forces than any other part of the body, every foot has more than 250,000 sweat glands, now you can imagine why your foot smells so bad.
Did you know that in one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat? Yuck..
If all else fail ask your Doctor/chemist as there are a number of prescription drugs that can treat serious foot odor, some by killing bacteria and some by reducing foot sweat.
My daughter had the ultimate solution for my smelly feet, she suggested amputation, laughing.
If only I could have bottled the grotesque odour from when I had smelly feet and posted it to someone I didn't like, laughing, now that would have been something else.
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