I was laughing when I came across an article "The Inconvenient Bag".
When it comes to pulling out my reusable shopping bags, I usually cringe.
Yes, I feel good about going green and not adding to the problem of plastic wastes in our environment, but they are not very easy or convenient to use.
They don't fit on the bagging stand, so they collapse on their own and I have to struggle to hold them open while I try to fill them.
And they are not a fashion statement.
They couldn't look any less appealing, and the way the handles are placed, they aren't easy to carry with any real weight inside.
They also tend to be bulky and take up too much space in my car.
And, I admit, half the time I don't remember them until I'm already in the store.
Not wanting to give up my commitment to go green, I started wondering if there isn't a better way to do reusable bags.
Boy is there! Imagine my surprise when I came across an eye-catching reusable bag system that is everything I could expect and more.
I certainly never thought to find a 3-in-1 product that could fit inside my purse.
Not only that, these bags work with the grocery store bagging stand, they are easy to fill, and they hold an amazing amount of weight without feeling like they're going to fall apart.
They come with a free reminder kit that helps me always remember to grab my bags on my way out.
They are machine washable too.
There are companies that design and manufacture, and are successfully selling my dream for a reusable bag.
Dedicated to the go green effort and helping underprivileged children these companies should have a motto of "beautiful earth or beautiful planet.
" It's a perfect fit of form, function, and contribution.
Their product comes in a choice of two color schemes, and includes a much-needed reminder system for those of us with short-term memories.
For me, the best part of the package is the fact that I look forward to taking these classy, colorful, high quality bags into any store I frequent.
They not only look great, they do the job with style.
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