Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Astrocytoma - What is This Tumor Or Cancer?

An astrocytoma is a form of brain tumor or cancer, which originates in a type of brain cells known as astrocytes.
These cells have a characteristic star shape, which led to their name (in Latin, the word astro refers to star).
Some astrocytomas grow at a slow rate, or do not noticeably grow for a period of time.
They are thought to make up approximately 75% of patients' neuroepithelial tumors.
There are four grades for this tumor, according to the system used by the World Health Organization (WHO) - there are also other systems for those who prefer using them.
From grade 1 to 4 in order, they are: pilocytic, diffuse (or low-grade), anaplastic, and glioblastoma multiforme.
The rankings are in order of least aggressiveness, for instance, pilocytic is considered the least aggressive, while glioblastoma multiforme (the grade 4 classification) is considered as the most aggressive form.
An astrocytoma can lead to different symptoms in any given case.
Although this is not professional medical advice and these symptoms do not necessarily indicate such a tumor, nor does a lack of them preclude the possibility, some of the potential symptoms are mentioned here.
Personality and mental status changes are possible.
Eyesight issues, double vision, and headaches also fall into one range of symptoms.
Additionally, general drowsiness and lethargy can occur.
One of the diagnostic methods that may be used in some cases is the computed tomography scan (known as the CT scan or CAT scan for short).
A biopsy may be taken, at times when the tumor's removal is attempted during surgery, and sometimes simply as its own event.

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