Approximately 35% of all heart attacks occur in people with normal total cholesterol levels.
Research has shown that high levels of an amino acid called Homocysteine contributes to the progression of heart disease.
Many researchers believe that the connection between Homocysteine and atherosclerosis is even stronger than the case against cholesterol.
Some studies have shown that for each 5 micromoles per liter increase in homocysteine level, your risk for heart disease can increase by as much as 60 to 80%.
The American Heart Association has indicated that a reasonable therapeutic goal for homocysteine levels should be less than 10 micromoles per liter.
How Homocysteine causes damage Homocysteine injures the walls of arteries.
Injured artery cells absorb LDL, or "bad" cholesterol.
Homocysteine promotes the growth of smooth muscle cells in the artery which in turn narrows the lumen of the artery.
As levels increase, you are at increased risk for the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Risk factors for increased Homocysteine levels include :
- Smoking and tobacco use
- Post-Heart Attack or Stroke
- Kidney Failure
- Advanced Age
- Post menopause
- Chronic, excessive alcohol consumption
The necessary co-factors to breakdown homocysteine to Cysteine and Methionine are Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6.
How to protect yourself against high levels of Homocysteine
- Have your doctor check your Homocysteine level
- Take adequate amounts of Folate.
Natural Folate obtained from food is only 50% absorbed by the body when taken orally.
Folic Acid, the synthetic form of Folate, is 100% absorbed after oral administration.
Liquids are better absorbed than pills. - Take adequate amounts of Vitamin B12.
The average diet supplies 5 to 15mcg per day in a form that is available after normal digestion.
Recent studies have shown that at least 800mcg to 1mg of B12 given orally is necessary for proper gastrointestinal absorption.
Liquids are better absorbed than pills. - Take adequate amounts of Vitamin B6.
The need for B6 increases when the amount of protein increases in the diet.
Liquids are better absorbed than pills.
Prescription formulations of these vitamins with levels as high as 2.
5mg of Folic acid, 1mg of B12, and 25mg of B6 have been shown to normalize plasma Homocysteine levels in patients at risk for coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and stoke.
It is reasonable to assume that judicious dietary supplementation with these vitamins may aid in preventing these illnesses.