Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

When Ticks Attack! What to Do If You Are Bitten by a Tick!

Next to spiders, tick bites seem to be a close second when it comes to the most anxiety provoking insect! Most people would agree that a bite from a tick can be quite upsetting because these critters can stay on the skin undetected for quite some time.
In addition, they are known for transmitting a host of diseases.
In particular, these insects are well known for transmitting Lyme disease.
So what do you do if you are bitten by a tick? 1.
Don't Panic! Remember that the majority of ticks to not carry disease, even in endemic areas.
In addition, the likelihood of transmission of Lyme disease is dependent upon how long the insect was attached for.
Also, not all ticks are the same type and therefore do not carry the same diseases.
For example, the large dog tick does not carry Lyme disease.
Studies indicate that the tick must be attached approximately 36 hours before Lyme disease is transmitted.
The majority of ticks are detected before this time has elapsed.
Clues to help you identify how long the tick has been attached for lie wihin the size of the tick at the time of removal.
If he is not firmly attached or is not engorged with blood, he has not been feeding for long.
Remove The Tick! Don't leave the tick in place.
He should be removed promptly to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
Remove the tick using a clean set of tweezers.
Do not attempt to burn the tick or apply chemicals to it in an attempt to get the insect to let go.
Doing so will cause the tick to "spit" and increase your risk of developing infections.
Grasp the insect firmly, getting as close to your skin as possible.
Firmly pull up to remove him.
If tiny specks of mouth parts are left behind do not try to dig them out, as this may introduce infection.
Simply wash the site and apply an over the counter antibiotic cream to prevent infection.
Your body will break these foreign bodies down naturally.
Now What? If the tick was attached for 24 hours or less, simply observe the site for signs of infection.
Remember that people with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, are at higher risk for developing infection.
If the tick was attached for more than 24 hours, call your doctor to see if they recommend that you take a preventative dose of antibiotic.
This should be taken within 72 hours of tick removal.
It is also okay to simply monitor for signs or symptoms of Lyme disease.
Monitor for a red flat rash that is enlarging to at least 2 inches in diameter.
Localized bruising that extends immediately around the area is a common reaction to tick bite.
Spreading redness that is larger than a half dollar is not.
Also monitor for headache, fever or joint pains.
If you don't feel right, head to your doctor and get checked out! Remember that most tick bites are not a big deal.
The key is to prevent tick bites by wearing long clothes and bug spray.
Always check for ticks after being outside and remove them promptly.

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