Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

What Are the Dangers of Being Exposed to Cigar Smoke?

It is a well-known fact that smoking is injurious to health.
But it has been proved that smoke emitted from the cigarette is equally harmful or even more.
Smoke emitted from the cigarette is termed as environmental tobacco smoke.
This smoke is so harmful that the passive smoker has a higher threat of developing cancer compared to the one who is smoking.
These tobacco products like cigar, cigarette contain harmful elements that cause cancer.
Smoke emitted from these products contains nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia and some well-known carcinogenic agents such as vinyl chlorine, benzene, arsenic, hydrocarbons, and nitrosamines.
Cigar is generally larger in size than a cigarette and hence causes more environmental damage.
That's why non smoker is more exposed to health damage when he or she is around a cigar smoker.
Cigar and cigarette are often considered the same but they are quite different.
They are manufactured in completely different ways.
Manufacturing a cigar is a long process of fermentation and aging.
The production process of the cigar contributes to the high concentration of carcinogenic agents in it.
After fermenting and aging process of the cigar, it is wrapped in a non porous wrapper.
This non porous wrapper is specially used to help it burn slowly.
This non porous wrapper also adds to the carcinogenic elements in the cigar.
Thus cigar smoking is much more injurious to health than cigarette as it's larger in size and its production process also adds more carcinogenic elements to it.
Cigar smoking is a cause of many hazards to health as compared to cigarette in ways more than one.
Firstly being larger in size, it contributes to more environmental tobacco smoke.
It even gets lit very slowly because of the nonporous wrapper that makes cigar longer time to consume.
Hence a non smoker is exposed to much more risk while being around the cigar smoker.
That is why non smokers are advised to stay away from such kind of dangerous carcinogenic agents.
Cigar smokers also should be warned to smoke in open spaced and ventilated areas so that smoke can get dissipated in the atmosphere quickly.
This helps the avid smoker to take care of the non smoker and they can enjoy smoking too.

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