All smokers are aware that smoking is dangerous to their health. Yet, many continue to smoke even when they know that this habit actually kills and kills slowly.
Surely that's a good enough reason to quit smoking? Of course, there are lots of other reasons to stop smoking - but this one is the most important, your life.
The irony of smoking is this, you pay money to buy yourself a slow, painful, expensive death. Why You Need A Reason To Quit Smoking Today.
If you look for one particular reason to quit smoking, you will find many. Some will be personal to you and some will just be reasons in general.
So, what reasons do you need to motivate yourself to help you stop smoking? Check out these below and get started,today.
1.Repair your looks, what's worse than aging prematurely? If you're in your twenties and smoke then you might not see much of a change, but smoking actually deprives the blood of oxygen.
So when you get older your skin becomes more leathery and wrinkled,the pallor of the skin changes to an unhealthy paleness, which if you're still in your forties and smoking, be prepared to look a lot older than you are, which isn't a good thing if you're male or female.
Also under-oxygenated blood has a negative effect on most of the organs in the body and reduces their functionality to perform the tasks they're there for.
2.How about protecting those who live around you? This obviously would be your family and friends. Passive smoking has been reported to be a lot more harmful than smoking itself.
So next time you light a cigarette up, you would be poisoning the air your children, spouse, parents and friends breathe. Surely another good enough reason to quit smoking?
3.The smell, a smoker smells of cigarettes all the time. No matter what precautions you use to try and mask it, you will still smell of cigarette smoke. Even using breath fresheners, chewing gum, etc. Your breath will still have the underlying smell, which is definitely not pleasant at all. Are you still searching for a reason to stop smoking?
4.Lung cancer, you're at far greater risk from lung cancer plus other cancers than non-smokers. Lung cancer takes no prisoners. It is a horrendously, slow and extremely painful death. It can take anywhere between 6-36 months dying a lingering death that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.
Still need a reason to quit smoking?
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