Good Cholesterol (HDL) VS Bad Cholesterol (LDL) High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein are the two kinds of lipoprotein that move cholesterol throughout the body and having the appropriate levels of HDL and LDL is crucial for our health.
The bad cholesterol, LDL is known to build-up in the arteries and finally reduces the flow of blood from your heart to every cell of the body.
On the other hand, the good cholesterol, HDL transfers cholesterol from every other part of the body returning to the liver for processing.
The liver will then remove the cholesterol while purifying the blood.
High Blood Cholesterol According to the World Health Organization, one third of American are suffering from high blood pressure and bad cholesterol, but many of those people do not aware of having cholesterol problems since the condition in the early stage has no symptoms or signs.
Those who suffered with high level of LDL cholesterol are usually at danger for cardiovascular disease (coronary artery disease).
Likewise individuals with a family history of high cholesterol levels will normally have higher levels of LDL inside bloodstream.
Higher levels of LDL cholesterol can drastically raise the likelihood of suffering from heart problems.
On the other hand, the higher level of HDL, the lower the ratio of risk.
Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease is developed when plaque starts to build-up inside the heart's arteries which could lead to atherosclerosis.
The plaque is developed by calcium, fat, cholesterol, and a number of other substances within the blood.
While the individual ages, this cholesterol-produced plaque has a tendency to harden, narrowing the arteries of the heart.
As a result, this may limit the circulation of blood and restrict oxygen to every cell in the body.
Gradually, the plaque can rupture and form a blood clot which will completely block the circulation of blood.
With that said, we should be caution of the potential risk of high level of LDL as it could cause considerable deterioration of our health and in some cases death when left unchecked.
On the other hand, studies show lifestyle change, such as quit smoking, eating a heart-healthy diet, and engaging in routine workouts, will tremendously enhance healthy HDL cholesterol level, which will in turn lowering the risk of coronary heart disease.
Although the cause of high cholesterol levels for most people are due to unhealthy eating habit, but high cholesterol levels can also be genetic so people with family background of having abnormal levels of cholesterol should take extra cautions and it is recommended to have your cholesterol levels checked regularly to make sure to stay in the healthy levels.
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