Tennis elbow is an overuse injury of the elbow.There is a bony bump at the face of elbow. This is called the epicondyl. Few muscles attach this bony bump to the fore arm. These muscles are in contact to the epicondyl by tendons. Sometimes overuse of forearm causes damage in the tendons. This is called tennis elbow.
The first symptom of tennis elbow is pain just below the bony area of your elbow. It can be in the form of dull ache, sharp pain, stinging or throbbing.Very simple activities like holding a cup, turning a knob, painting become difficult. Through your fore arm the pain go up to the back of the palm.
After doing a thorough study of different tennis elbow cures, I have found four major options - home remedies, medication, surgery and exercises.
The basis of thetennis elbow natural home cure is rest, i.e. avoiding activities that can potentially aggravate your injury and regular icing using an ice pack. It is recommended to wrap the ice pack moderately using a bandage to alleviate swelling and inflammation.Resting the elbow above the heart level is also recommended to alleviate swelling and inflammation.
Often doctors prescribe non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. But this gives you only temporary relief. Tennis elbow surgery may include ossatripsy,cutting the tendon, making an incision, or removing inflamed tissue. Possible side effects of tennis elbow surgery may involve weakness in the arm,a painful scar on the skin surface,damage of nerve,blood vessel damage,loss of strength etc.
Hammering, forearm twist,prayer stretch,wrist extension etc. are among the several existing exercises for tennis elbow. Proper and regular practice of some easily doable exercises can relieve you from tennis elbow problem permanently. But, you should remember that practice of wrong exercise or right exercise in a wrong way may even intensify the problem.. It is highly recommended to consult an expert for this.
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