- A cable modem converts signals from a coaxial line into a digital signal that a computer can understand and usually carries 1 megabit of data per second. The incoming cable line can carry both digital and cable broadcast signals, and monthly service typically costs between $30 and $100, depending on your service provider and bandwidth. Cable modems are primarily used by residential consumers and small businesses or organizations with simple Internet access needs. A router is often used in combination with the cable modem to give access to multiple users.
- A T1 line is a cable similar to, but more advanced than, a telephone line. It can carry 1.544 megabits per second and can be used to transmit voice or data. T1 service generally costs between $300 and $1,000 per month, depending on your location and provider. This type of service is typically used by businesses needing a fast and constant signal in order to conduct online business services and communicate with customers.
- In most situations, a cable modem will be a better choice than a T1 line. It is usually cheaper, more versatile and more common than a T1 line, especially with the rise of high-speed cable services. On the other hand, if you need Internet access for a business or other heavy-use purposes, a T1 line may meet your needs. Discuss the options and your particular needs with your potential service provider to compare the advantages and the costs.
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