Since the advent of the little blue pill, the idea of men naturally increasing their sex drive through vitamin and herbal supplements has seemed to fall to the wayside.
While there is no argument that taking sildenfil citrate (Viagra) or any of its Nitric Oxide boosting counterparts (Levitra, Cialis) works at delivering more blood to the penis, what is not discussed are the cheaper and healthier alternatives out there that men can use to help boost their libido and get better erections.
Here are some vitamins, minerals and natural herbs that men can use to help naturally boost their sex drive.
Vitamin A Vitamin A is not only necessary for keen eyesight; it is also needed to help regulate the synthesis of progesterone.
Progesterone is a key sex hormone that is a precursor to testosterone in men.
While Progesterone is generally known as a "female hormone" research has shown that low levels of progesterone in men can lead to a lower sex drive.
Vitamin A is found in abundance in many fruits and vegetables including carrots and apples.
Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamin is needed for nerve transmission and energy production within men.
A lack of proper amounts of Thiamin can lead to less energy.
Less energy can mean less sex drive.
You can get you daily dose of the B1 from nuts, brown rice, whole grains, beans, and pineapple.
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, is important for proper blood flow to all of your extremities.
Since lack of proper blood flow to the penis is one of the main causes of ED, it is essential that you get enough Niacin in your system.
Niacin also helps regulate your digestive and nervous system, both of which can cause trouble with your sex drive if there happens to be a problem.
You can get Vitamin B3 from eating your broccoli, yogurt, fish, chicken, other lean meats, or by taking Zenerect, the all natural sex supplement for men.
Vitamin C Vitamin C is not only a great immune boosting vitamin and needed to stop scurvy, it is also critical in the synthesis of many different sex hormone including androgen, estrogen and progesterone within your adrenal glands.
Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption in the blood which is needed for strength and energy and to help transport oxygen to the organs, glands and tissues, which helps with energy.
You can get C from oranges, mangoes, grapefruit, strawberries and tomatoes.
Vitamin E Vitamin has been called the "sex vitamin" by some people and for good reason too.
Vitamin is a all around antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage and can assist in energy, stamina and endurance.
Vitamin E is said to help with overall fertility and has been even used as a sexual lubricant for women.
Get the E from seeds, nuts, oils, spinach, whole grains, apples, carrots, beef, seafood, celery and avocados.
Selenium The mineral selenium is essential for semen production and peak sexual performance in men.
Half of the selenium found in men, can be found in the testes where it performs a vital role in keeping the sperm motile and mobile.
Making sure you get enough selenium in your diet is important for keeping your love juices flowing.
Zinc Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone.
Testosterone is the all important sex hormone for men that helps increase libido and enhance performance and stamina.
A deficiency in Zinc can lead to a decrease libido as well as prostate disease so making sure you are getting enough of it is important.
Magnesium Magnesium is needed for the production of sex hormones including androgen and estrogen.
It is also responsible for the production of dopamine and norepinephrine which are important sex drive neurotransmitters.
While Viagra and the prescription pills that followed may seem like a miracle cure for men who suffer from ED, a healthy diet and making sure you get all the vitamins and minerals necessary for an active sex life can be just as effective.
Before resorting to a drug with side effects, why not try to boost your sex drive a safe and natural way?
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