Perhaps you have just lost your boyfriend or husband, the most important man of your life.
Thus you are wondering how to get him back forever.
Here is one of the most common questions.
The answer to this question may be helpful to you in winning your man back.
Question: Why Do Men Leave Women? Men are not the only one who leave relationship.
Women do too.
In other words, there are times when a man choose to leave a woman and there are times when a woman choose to leave a man.
The simplest explanation is this.
People leave a relationship because they cannot find what they are looking for in that relationship.
So the question is, 'What are men looking for?' Well, as far as a man is concerned, there is one thing that is more important than anything else.
You are probably thinking that it is 'sex'.
Well, nothing is further than the truth.
Sure, men do enjoy sex.
But that is just a bonus and is certainly not the most important thing men are looking for.
The most important thing a man is looking for is admiration.
The problem occurs when the woman in his life keeps on nagging at him.
Nagging is probably the number one relationship killer for men.
To a man, nagging implies that his woman does not admire him anymore.
When a man cannot find that most important thing in his primary relationship, he will start looking for it elsewhere.
I am not saying that all men will cheat because of this.
However, he is now vulnerable.
He may not purposely go and search for that admiration.
However, if another woman bestow his with that admiration, he can fall prey to it.
Before he knows it, he starts to cheat and decide to leave the woman who is nagging at him for the woman who knows how to admire him.
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