Working out can get boring and monotonous.
Once this happens it's very easy to hit a plateau in your quest to build muscle.
Your body will adapt to a set routine and you'll find yourself just going through the motions of your workout.
You may find that you are unable to concentrate during your workout; your muscles may feel flat (no pump) after working out or just a plain lack of enthusiasm when it comes to exercising.
Your body is trying to tell you something, mentally and physically.
This is why it's important to change things up from time to time.
One of my favorite ways of breaking out of this cycle is the split routine.
There are a ton of variations out there to try but I have a few favorite routines which have helped me over the years.
One special note when changing from one type of routine to another: take at least one solid week off before beginning a new routine.
Your mind and body will appreciate it.
I can't emphasize enough the importance of warming up before starting any workout.
Take at least ten minutes to stretch and get the blood pumping before beginning the workouts below.
Day One: Chest- • Incline Barbell or Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 sets: 6-10 reps.
Perform at least two warm up sets (30%-50% max weight) before your 3 main sets.
• Dips- maximum reps: 2 sets-both sets forward leaning.
• Push-ups: maximum reps: 3 sets- one set wide hand spacing, one set normal hand spacing, one set narrow hand spacing (bring your hands as close to your sides as possible).
Shoulders- • Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets- 6-10 reps.
• Upright Rows (dumbbell or barbell): 3 sets-8-12 reps.
• Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3 sets- 8-12 reps.
Triceps- • Bench Dips: 2 sets-maximum reps.
• Seated Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension: 2 sets- 8-12 reps.
Day Two: Legs- • Squats- 4 sets: 8-12 reps after 2 warm up sets (30%-50% max weight).
• Lunges- 3 sets: 8-12 reps.
I like to perform these with dumbbells.
Hold the dumbbells down at your sides instead of overhead.
You can perform these with a barbell also if you prefer.
• Calf Raises- 3 sets: 15-20 reps-you can perform these with dumbbells at your sides or with a barbell.
• Abs- Crunches: 1 set- maximum reps.
Lie flat with your knees bent and don't lock your fingers behind your head.
Make sure the shoulders come off the ground only a few degrees.
You should be pushing the small of your back into the ground at the top of this movement for maximum contraction.
Exhale at the top of movement.
Side note: one of the best abdominal workout programs out there-in my opinion, is Tony Horton's AB Ripper X.
I highly recommend it- if you can get your hands on a copy of the DVD or program.
Day Three: Rest.
You should need it after the last two days.
Day Four: Back- • Chin-ups: 4 sets-maximum reps.
2 sets overhand and 2 sets underhand.
• One arm dumbbell rows in a lunge: 3 sets- 6-10 reps.
• Deadlifts- 3 sets: 6-10 reps.
Biceps- • Seated Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets- 8-12 reps.
• One Arm Concentration Curls: 2 sets- 8-12 reps.
Day Five: Repeat Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Routine.
Day Six: Rest Day Seven: Repeat Legs and Abs Routine.
Day Eight: Repeat Back and Biceps Routine.
Basically this is a two days on / one day off workout schedule.
After eight days you should have done each workout twice.
I usually take two days off after the eight days and start again with day one.
If at any time you need to take two days off instead of one because your body needs it- take it: listen to your body! You can always start back up where you left off after the extra rest.
If you're not sure how to perform any of the exercises above; search the internet for pictures or videos of the exercises, there are lots of great sites out there that will have demonstrations from start to finish.
For individuals looking to burn extra fat, performing 20 minutes of interval cardio after each workout should help burn off those extra pounds.
I prefer the elliptical or the treadmill but one great cardio exercise that gets overlooked is jumping rope.
I'll throw it in whenever I need some variety with cardio.
One final word on intensity and focus-when performing these exercises really focus on feeling the muscle contract / stretch at the top or bottom of the movements.
Don't just go through the motions and swing the weight around.
To build muscle you have to really be struggling by the sixth or eighth rep on weighted exercises.
If you can do more than 12 reps, it's time to increase your load.
Increasing your load by 5-10 pounds on your larger muscle groups or 2.
5-5 pounds on the smaller groups is usually enough.
Just make sure your form is strict and you control the weight, don't let the weight control you.
My next article will be on the correct nutrition to build muscle.
Whether you're looking to just build muscle or could stand to burn off some excess fat, diet is essential to the muscle building process.
Nutritional needs can differ from one individual to another but there are some basics everyone should know.
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