When your girlfriend breaks up with you, it can be a difficult time in your life.
Let's face it guys, we've all been there at least once.
But, before you decide that you can't live without her and you ask yourself, "How can I get my girlfriend back if she dumped me?" let's take a minute and examine the relationship you once had with your girlfriend.
You need to ask yourself...
did she do me a favor by breaking up with me? Men usually tend to stay with a woman out of sheer convenience.
You get in that comfort zone and it becomes easier to stick with a "so-so" relationship than to get out and look for a quality, life long love.
Think about this...
do you consider the woman who broke up with you your soul mate? If not, then her breaking up with you just might be the best for both parties.
However, if you honestly love her and want to get her back, then please read on.
Ok, now that you've decided you want to know "How can I get my girlfriend back if she dumped me?", your first step is to determine her feelings towards you.
Even though she initiated the breakup, women can be fickle and act impulsively.
She probably acted out of emotion and quite possibly is having regrets about dumping you.
If you notice signs that she is making an effort to contact you, or even flirting with you again, then you have a good chance to get your girlfriend back.
The next step is to make her come to you.
You need to present a challenge, and the best way to accomplish this is to stop contacting her.
If you are displaying a "stalkerish" attitude, this will only push her further away from you.
No one, man or woman likes to be smothered and the only thing you will accomplish with this is to create more tension between the two of you.
Instead, accept the break up and move on with your life.
Setup a date with another woman, especially someone she knows.
It may seem like a dirty tactic, but you want her to understand that you have moved on and once she learns you are dating again, it just might make her come running back to you.
Now is a chance for you to take some positive steps forward and benefit from personal growth.
Are you the same man now that she fell for in the beginning, or did you become complacent once the relationship evolved? Men will often try to impress a woman in the beginning and then slip into "comfort mode" at some point in the relationship with her.
Do you still work out as often as you did before the relationship? What about chivalry? Toward the end, did you do little things for her, like buy her flowers or open doors for her? Was she reassured how important she was to you? Trust me guys, the little things really do mean a lot! When you see your girlfriend again, remind her of the good times in a subtle way.
If you know of a party or social event you both will be attending, wear something she gave you.
Does she have a favorite cologne? Then wear it.
When you talk to her, be positive and bring up the good things from the past.
You don't want the entire conversation to be about your past relationship, however; you want to bring out her sentimental side.
Once you've got her thinking about the past again, you can start seeing her socially again.
Maybe get together and have coffee, or go see a movie.
Keep it light and non-committal at first.
If you are getting together with friends, ask her to come along.
If she accepts, make sure to balance your time with your friends and her.
You'll want to make sure you pay attention to her, but don't neglect your friends either, or even other girls.
It won't hurt her to see that you are an attractive catch to other females.
Once she realizes this, you will have moved past asking yourself, "How can I get my girlfriend back if she dumped me?", to actually having won half the battle of getting her back.
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