Many researchers have an opinion that if a person is suffering from vitamin B deficiency, it may not to be easy to find about it because there are no detectable signs to it.
In addition, we observe that a lot many people never even realize that their bodies are actually running short on the precious vitamin B and they may never think of taking any supplement that provide enough vitamin B to their bodies.
There are symptoms that can make us aware of this sort of deficiency if we listen to our bodies for a while.
The most common symptoms are like heart palpitations, mental illnesses, stomach related problems like indigestion, chronic exhaustion or fatigue, lack of concentration, defocusing, insomnia, tingling in hands and feet and uneasiness along with nervousness and restlessness.
If there is a chronic deficiency of vitamin B than it may be hard to realize and differentiate these symptoms from that of other diseases.
There is a chance of rashes and soreness also.
The deficient person can at times go into crying spells.
Vitamin B is available in form of pills and there are diets that fulfill your need of essential vitamins including vitamin B.
Vitamin B is in the following whole or unprocessed foods like wheat, white flour, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chili peppers, beans, yeasts, and in meat like liver, turkey and tuna.
In many cases, vitamin B is also delivered by injections and it does reverse the deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is available as a dietary supplement and doctors prescribe it as a medicine as well.
Since it is water soluble, it can be added to other foods.
We require this vitamin to have proper red blood cell formation and to regulate neurological functions.
The daily dietary allowance recommended by the dieticians is like 2.
4 mcg for an adult male or an adult female and during pregnancy, the intake should increase to 2.
6 mcg daily.
It is not present in plant foods but a good amount can be found in poultry and dairies so a glass full of milk daily at bed and two eggs daily can keep you rolling along with enough vitamin B for you health and fitness.
Doctors suggest maintaining a habit of taking vitamin enriched foods on daily basis and help repair the body organs gradually since it took years to build this deficiency and you kept on ignoring, now it may take months to recover from it.
You can also suggest an emotionally disturbed friend to check on with his diet and see if he is missing some important vitamins and especially vitamin B and this could be the main reason to have mental disorders.
So it is better to add lot of vitamins to your healthy diet and also let vitamin B help remove those toxins build up to avoid lot of health related issues in a better manner.
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