Nobody truly loves doctor visits. There are generally long waits in the waiting room and then in the examination room. Not only are the co-pays a pain in the you-know-what, but having a health care provider who can't remember your name or history without considering your chart isn't exactly heartwarming. That said, there is no real substitute for a doctor's information when you need to make major medical decisions. When you need to deal with a serious illness, it's really important that you talk to your doctor. If the problem is not critical or is very modest, there are most likely a bunch of solutions already in your house. In this article we can examine a number of the most common home remedies you can use.
When you begin to feel sick to your tummy or nauseous, eat a pinch of ginger. There are all kinds of feeling sick that can be minimized by eating some ginger: motion sickness, morning sickenss and even sometimes the nausea that is felt by cancer patients after they undergo chemotherapy. If you don't have easy access to pure ginger root, you can take ginger root capsules. 250 mg ginger root pills are typically what get advised by people most of the time when they are not able to find or aren't able to afford fresh ginger root.
Do you suffer from elevated blood pressure levels? Try to take in one or two bits of chocolate and listening to some music. Dark chocolate, specifically is full of antioxidants which are very helpful in lowering your blood pressure by expanding your blood vessels and allowing the blood to pass more freely through your system. Choose a music that is relaxing and repeated. You can help yourself additionally by breathing deeply from your belly. Just a single ounce of chocolate plus a quarter hour of hearing slower and repetitive music like Indian, Celtic and Classical can do so much for your overall emotional state.
Women who have problems with menstrual cramps might be aided quite a bit by putting some warmth onto your lower back or your abdomen. The old wive's tale involving "use a hot water bottle or a heating pad" is certainly something that works! If you do not have the time to lie around having a heating pad, you can effortlessly find the heated adhesive patches. These patches will stay heated for as long as eight hours and have been proven to be equally effective as taking medicines like Advil or Tylenol for the pain (and this way you do not have to worry about any sort of after effects of the pain meds on your system).
Aroma therapy is good for anxiety. Studies have proven that linalool, a floral scented composite, is capable of doing quite a bit to quell stress levels. So if youre feeling edgy take a moment to smell some basil, oranges, lemons, grapes, lavender or even mangoes. This is a good deal cheaper than visiting your doctor's office!
Obviously, none of this advice is supposed to substitute for advice given to you by your medical professional and if any of these problems are happening to you regularly, a visit to the doctor's office should be put on your to-do list. For a now and then problem, then again, home remedies can do the trick!
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