Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Advice for Creating New Words

Create words at the end of the alphabet if possible, as they are easier for people to remember and there are fewer words there.
Letters that start with Q, X, Y and Z are best but also U and V are excellent choices.
Other letters that should be in the word might be power letters like B, C, D, F, K, R, and T.
If you want to create a word that sticks in the language or makes an impact on the reader you should consider these points.
If you are creating names of things, it makes even more sense to follow those rules above, but in the creation of names or people, place, products or companies, you might also realize that use of the hard-core power letters might be defeating your purpose.
Look at the name Google, it is similar to noodle and not a hard name or a power name at all, it is a soft and inviting name.
But in reality Google is not a new word, just a new use of the word.
The Definition of Google is when a person rolls their eyes in an act of "What are you talking about" or "I don't believe that, not for a minute" well in Google's case, believe it, they are now the number one search engine.
So, you can stop rolling your eyes now and put in the request you want to search.
If we look at the word Google, it is a funny word to use for a company and it is memorable.
The word Yahoo! is a word that many people know of as exhilaration.
Not a bad name for a search engine, but probably not as good as the name Google; but what's in a name? A lot, so think of this when creating names for things or new words.

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