The heralds are singing The birth of our savior is here Born in a Manger for you and I Lowly lying with the sheep and hay.
The kings brought gifts To the King of Kings Reigning Supreme in our lives Living in our hearts and soul.
Once in a year we celebrate Something special, unique and pure An event more than a Thousand Old The gift of a savior gentle and pure.
He was foretold in the book of the prophets Announced by the angels who knew the way Blessed to save and heal before he was born Set apart for special times as these.
Mary and Joseph Knew of him How could He be if we never knew each other? Courted to marry, the marriage was still afar Is He a source of joy or everlasting Joy? Gifts are everywhere stacked to the sky The seas glitter with the Christmas lights The mood is proof of the event ahead The birth of our savior Jesus Christ Is he the Gift or the source of all Gifts? Is He the Giver or the Given? Does he give to get or get to give? He is the giver and source of all we know.
A Son of God sent for a cause To rid us of all our sin and shame A bridge across the gulf of sin Separating us from the love of the father.
In the midst of the shopping, Stop to ask what it is all about? Is it really Santa or the heavenly Santa? That made the season so special and gracious.
The kids are excited about the visit from the North The Poles are cold and the snow is falling The nuts are slowly roasting on the fire and cracking The gifts are wrapped and under the Christmas tree.
How about the gift He wrapped and gave to you? The gift of healing and health The gift of Miracles yet unknown The gift of the breath of Life The gift of the knowledge of his wisdom and love.
As we bundle up and race the cards Do we care to give to the Poor? A smile or a dollar to spare? Ask yourself if you really have something to spare.
Celebrate him daily Every second minute and hour In every thing you do and say Your life should be a song of praise To the king who rules and reigns.
The jingle bells are ringing A most wonderful time of the year It's not about the gift, but the giver of all gifts Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you in me.
Merry Christmas.
By Muyiwa Babalola © 2010.
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