Mountain runners are a generally a hardy bunch; who like nothing more than to test their bodies by ascending and descending wide open mountain ranges. This alone can be an immense challenge in the height of summer, yet alone during the winter months when the nights can quickly draw in. Each and every mountain runner has to respect the landscape and should always have an understanding of the risks that are posed on them.
The UK is still under the grips of one of the harshest winters in recent records (as of April 2013). It is only just showing signs of relenting, despite the fact that the region should already be well into spring. The mountain ranges of Scotland offer the biggest peaks in the whole region. At present they look like a winter paradise, but are very much fraught with danger at every turn. Sadly the mountains have already claimed the lives of 12 people this year. Many of these were climbers who have to live with the risk of the mountain, but some were simply hikers who had suffered terrible misfortune.
Mountain running is only for those who are experienced in the discipline, and who have practiced the pursuit during the warm summer months, when generally the risks are far reduced.
Ask any solo mountain runner what their biggest fear is, and they may tell you a broken leg high on a mountain top. It's a nasty injury in the best of times, but can easily be negotiated in an urban / accessible environment. As soon as it happens on a mountain it becomes life threatening because it immediately immobilizes the casualty. Anyone on a solo pursuit can quickly find themselves locked in a bitter battle to survive. This is why it is essential that mountain runners do not go out alone. Unfortunately it's a solo sport, and training can often be on an individual level.
The second biggest risk factor is the constant threat of Hypothermia. Many mountain running challenges involve 24 hour traverses of ranges against the clock. This puts huge pressure on the athletes who are involved, and puts their bodies under considerable stress. Runners are particularly prone to the effects of hypothermia because their bodies have to burn huge quantities of energy just to keep warm. Energy levels inevitably drop, which consequently leads to a drop in the body's inner core. Technically runners can seldom afford to stop in the most extreme of temperatures, which is impractical as the nature of the terrain often forces a series of stoppages.
The last serious risk to a runner is changes in the weather conditions. Places like Scotland can experience all four seasons in just one day. It can be summer in mid afternoon and back to the depths of winter by dusk. Mountain runners have to be attuned to weather forecasts. It is essential that summit attempts are put off when bad weather is closing in. Many a runner has perished through pushing on in the hope that the bad weather will never come.
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