If you decide that power walking is right for you, you want to be sure that you are doing it properly. Many people think that because this exercise is so simple that there isnt a right or a wrong way to do it.
When you begin incorporating power walking into your daily routine, you want to be sure that you are doing it properly. If you are power walking and not taking the time to do it right you can develop bad muscle memory and be burning less calories than if you were doing it right.
Developing good posture is very important when are using power walking for your daily exercise. Having proper poster will make sure that your body isnt being beat up and maximize the amount of calories you burn during each workout.
First, you should try to walk with your back as straight as possible, but make sure that you feel comfortable from start to finish. Focus on your poster until you dont even have to think about it. Be sure that you dont have a bow in your back and that you arent leaning forward at all.
It will take time for your core to gain strength and tighten up. Understanding that having perfect posture wont happen overnight is very important, it is something that you want to work towards and as time goes it will become easier.
Also, you want to try to focus on keeping your neck straight. Keeping your neck straight will keep your chin face upward making it easier to concentrate on breathing. At the same time it will make it easier for you to keep you vision looking forward rather than at your feet.
A good tip to help keep your neck straight is to constantly look at an object approximately twenty-five yards ahead of you. Continually looking forward will naturally keep you neck straight and help keep your posture straight.
While maintaining good posture some people tighten their abdominal muscles, but have a hard time keeping their shoulders relaxed at the same time. You should make a conscious effort to keep your shoulder muscles relaxed throughout the duration of each workout.
If your shoulders become tenser or start to edge up towards or ears try to take a quick break and get your shoulders relaxed. It is important to keep your shoulders relaxed to help maintain good posture and to make breathing easier and more natural.
Another tip to maximize the benefit your body gets from a solid power walk is to keep your hips from moving side to side. There is misconception that swaying your hips will help burn more calories, this presumptions it completely false and actually takes away from the benefit your body gets from the workout.
Take the time to recognize how you can power walk without moving your hips more than you do when you walk naturally. As you do this you should feel more comfort and be able to keep a more constant and efficient power walk.
Taking the time to learn how to power walk properly will maximize the benefit your body can get from incorporating this easy exercise.
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