Going back to school can be a scary time for any child.
It's a big change as well as a stepping stone.
A parent can also be affected by this change.
It means your child is growing up and they are going to learn new and exciting things.
There's a great way for your child to be prepared for going back to school or starting school for the first time; make it fun.
Start crafting with your child.
Craft some fun back to school easy crafts for kids.
There are so many options out there.
When I was young and starting school for the first time I was very nervous and excited at the same time.
I wish there were as many creative easy crafts for kids back then as there is now.
Nowadays kids are able to craft with trash.
By taking recycled goods around the house they can create the darndest things.
Take for example a recycled school bus.
It can be crafted out of a spaghetti or pie crust box.
This is a very clever craft and it will get your child used to seeing a school bus so they can have fun with it.
It can also be a scary time meeting new kids in a new school.
Make your child smile and feel comfortable by making an I.
These are such great kid's crafts.
They can help make them and write their name on it, so they can easily find their backpacks and belongings.
If I had a name tag on my things it would bring a smile to my face.
Even a child as early as preschool may not be able to read, but at least they can identify the picture on the tag.
I have so many nieces and nephews that I love so much.
Most of them are going back to school, while others are just starting school for the first time.
I love crafting with them when I'm babysitting.
There are so many easy crafts for kids that they get so excited when I bring a new craft to do.
The latest one was a terra cotta bee pot.
It was so cute with its wings and wiggly eyes.
They needed a little help with it, but what craft doesn't need help from an adult? They helped with the painting and putting on the foam sheets.
I thought it was such a cute craft that they can bring to school for show and tell.
These bees are great back to school easy crafts for kids.
And although the bees are made with terra cotta pots and they needed to be gentle with it, they still had tons of fun shaking it to watch the wiggly eyes move around.
So keep in mind if you are nervous about your little one going back to school or starting for the first time, they're probably even more scared than you.
Have fun with it.
Make them feel as comfortable as possible by making easy crafts for kids.
There are so many free patterns out there for you to choose from, there's no way a child can get bored creating fun crafts for school or just preparing for school.
There are different skill levels for crafts as well.
So hurry up and put your little one on that yellow school bus.
After crafting that recycled bus out of a spaghetti box, they'll wave bye to you as they step foot on the school bus with a big smile on their face.