If you like to wear your hair down, no problem, just be aware that it's probably one of the biggest reasons why your hair is breaking. Leaving your hair out makes it prone to snapping and tearing because it gets caught in your clothes, jewelry and other objects.By wearing your hair up and off your clothes in protective styles you save it from the harsh environment and drying air that sucks the life out of it.
The first key in preventing hair loss is to improve your diet. There are certain nutrients that you need to prevent excessive hair fall. You need a good amount of proteins for healthier growth of cells so you need to eat foods like chicken, egg and fish. You also need to have enough iron in your body because iron deficiency anemia leads to hair loss. Eat lean red meat and tofu.
You'll also want to avoid coloring your hair too often if you want to avoid losing your hair. It's best to at least wait about two months between colorings if you decide to color your hair. Just leaving your hair alone is the best option, but if you do color, leave plenty of time in between colorings to avoid drying out your hair, which can lead to hair loss.
Hair styling products should also be used with utmost care. Most of these gels and waxes build dandruff in the hair, which promotes hair loss. Once flakes left by these products build up on the scalp, then the tendency is that the person will scratch it, damaging the hair follicles that protect the hair from irritation. In addition, it is recommended that a person styles his/her hair when it's dry.
If you really want to know how to prevent hair loss, then it is important to understand the value of increasing blood flow to the scalp. The blood transports vitamins and minerals to scalp so the strands can receive the nutrients they need in order to grow. A lack of blood flow can prevent these nutrients from reaching the strands.
The most common cause of weak, breaking hair is the improper use of chemicals. If you perm, color or straighten your hair chemically, you need to take extra gentle care of it the rest of the time, because it will be more fragile than untreated hair. You should also be careful if you put in hair extensions or if you brush your hair the wrong way (backcombing/ratting) or braid it often.
When you wash, make sure that you attend to your scalp properly. Avoid shampoos that dry out your hair. Instead, use shampoos that are creamy and that have clarifying ingredients. These types of shampoos generally keeps hairs well moisturized and avoid breakages. Yes, not everyone knows about such shampoos; and those that know insist this tip alone can help you.
Try not to use hair dyes often, use only the ones which are from companies that are known for their quality and use of ingredients that are least likely to harm your hair, use of hair products will dry your hair initially and make them brittle, minimize hair breakage.
This is not exactly a hair regrowth secret and many people have discovered it. Herbs such as Saw Palmetto, Nettle roots and Siberian Ginseng are known to be able to inhibit the activity of DHT or dihydrotestosterone. You need to make sure that hormones such as DHT does not buildup further as it can damage your hair follicles regeneration system.
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