Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

How to Do Braids Stuck to Your Head

    • 1). Decide what design of cornrows you plan to do. Cornrows can be braided in zigzags, cross ways, waves and all types of different designs. If braiding someone else's hair, ask her what design she'd like.

    • 2). Apply de-tangle conditioning spray to the hair prior to wetting the hair or starting the braid. This may prevent tangling of the hair and make for easier-to-manage hair.

    • 3). Wet the hair that you plan to braid. The hair should not be super wet, but slightly damp so that the braids will hold. Wetting the hair prior to braiding prevents the hair from breakage.

    • 4). Part the hair into sections and take three small sections at the beginning of the hair line. Fold each layer of hair on top of each other, adding hair as you go along down the part. Adding hair along the way is what attaches the hair to the scalp. Add hair evenly so that the cornrow braid isn't too big or too small at different parts in the braid.

    • 5). De-tangle the sections of hair as you braid. You may add hair from different sections as you braid. Check to make sure that the part is always straight or the way you want it throughout the braid. Gently put your fingers through the tangled sections to de-tangle them properly. Spray de-tangle conditioner to the hair as you go along to prevent tangling. Apply hair grease to the scalp to preserve moisture.

    • 6). Continue the braid after you've braided the hair to the scalp in that section. Braid the rest of the braid as you would braid any other braid. To prevent the braid from coming loose, you may twirl the braid around your finger to secure the ends. You may also add rubber bands to the ends of the braid. Repeat the same steps for the next cornrow. Before you begin, check to make sure that the parts are all straight.

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