The human body, although a living organism, works just like a car engine. Each component in the engine of a car needs to be regularly checked, possibly adjusted and kept oiled in order to run smoothly and without problem. We call this a 'service', and if a vehicle is abused and not serviced regularly it will not take long before it breaks down. So it is with the human body. We all need to eat properly consuming the right foods in the correct amounts, keep the body exercised so that it does not cease up and keep the organs within it well oiled.
The oil used in the body is known as blood lipids which are carried around the body in the blood. These lipids include cholesterol, which is essential to every organ's function and triglycerides which are bad for the body. Cholesterol is needed as a vital source for the production of essentials chemicals which the body requires to function properly. There is not much cholesterol to be found in foods except in eggs, kidneys, liver and seafoods which only contain a little. Cholesterol, of which there are 2 types, is a substance rather like wax which is made by the body naturally in the liver. The liver makes the cholesterol from the saturated fats we consume in our food, but too much of the wrong type of cholesterol can cause problems which if not attended to can be fatal. Triglycerides, a fatty substance which is bad for the body, can be produced in the liver or from the body's own fat stores. They can be found in foods such as dairy products, meat and cooking oils. Those amongst us who are very overweight tend to eat more foods containing fats and sugars and may drink more alcohol. These people are most likely to have high levels of triglycerides in their blood.
Let's now look at LDL and HDL cholesterol. Cholesterol has a special ability for reaching all the organs and parts of the body where it is needed. It is transported through the blood circulatory system on proteins and the 2 together are called lipoproteins. The 2 types of proteins are known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). If the lipoprotein has low-density (LDL) it will contain more fat. Likewise the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) will contain less fat. The LDL cholesterol is bad for us because it carries the excess fats from the liver through the blood system and deposits them in the body cells, resulting in extra body fat. This fat often collects together around the middle of the body because more enzymes are present in that area so this fat is known as 'live fat'. HDL cholesterol on the other hand, returns the excess fats that are not needed back to the liver where they are disposed of, so it can be called 'good' cholesterol because it gets rid of the bad fats instead of depositing them in the blood arteries.
Blood cholesterol is measured by taking a small blood sample either by pricking the finger or by having a normal blood test. The cholesterol and triglycerides in the sample are measured in the laboratory in units. Everyone should aim for having a total cholesterol level of under 4 units, an LDL level of less than 2, an HDL level of more than 1 and a triglyceride level under 1.7 units. It should be noted that some people, although having little excess body weight, have high levels of cholesterol naturally. It is not known why this happens but should nevertheless be controlled.
So what are the dangers of having too much LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (both bad) in the blood? High blood cholesterol is usually caused by eating too many fat containing foods especially those with more saturated fat in them. The doctor will probably refer to this as having 'high blood cholesterol' because the overall levels of fat in the blood are above normal. Firstly as I have already stated, fat that is excess to the body's requirements will be deposited around the body, particularly around the middle of the trunk, the arms and thighs. This extra weight increases the chances of a heart attack, diabetes and vein problems to name but a few. (I have written more extensively about diabetes in my article "Living With a Type Two Diabetic") Secondly fat deposits in the blood or as the doctor would say, high total cholesterol will literally clog up the works of vital organs rather like lime scale does in the water pipes, and prevent them from functioning efficiently or altogether as in a heart attack. Someone with this problem will increase their risk of coronary heart disease. Their risk would be particularly high if the proportion of LDL is greater than the HDL cholesterol. Again if the level of triglycerides is high, then the risk of heart disease and stroke will be greater than someone with low levels. If you are someone who already smokes, has high blood pressure, is a diabetic, overweight or obese and inactive, the chances of suffering from any of these problems is exacerbated. (Read more about obesity in my article "Obesity - What It Is, How You Get It and Problems That May Occur. Is It As Bad As They Say.")
Those amongst us who are over weight find it particularly hard to correct their eating habits which after all are probably the reason why they carry too much weight in the first place. However, with increased activity so that body warmth and the heart rate increases, will not only help to reduce the weight but will also help to increase the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the blood. Activity will also decrease the risk of diabetes and help to maintain a healthy weight. Try simple tasks like walking wherever you have to go instead of getting in the car and climbing the stairs rather than using the lift, but please remember if you are very overweight any exercise program should be done under your doctor's advice. If you are a smoker then please get help to give it up. Lastly but most importantly change your eating habits and cut down on fatty foods especially saturated fats, red meat and too many carbohydrate foods and increase the fruit and vegetables in your diet. If you can do this you will have achieved success and prolong a healthy and enjoyable life. I wish you well.