I have followed politics much closer this election cycle.
I am a proud American.
I was never more proud of my country than when they elected Barack Obama for President.
I wish him luck with the terrible mess of a Government, Wall Street, The housing Slump and a general slumped global economy (This stuff is not just happening in the United States).
Let's be honest, we all knew that it wouldn't last.
Let's not just blame Bush either.
But, in all candor, Bush did accelerate the process.
Iraq? Big mistake! If I ran my household the way Bush ran the country for the past Eight? Yes, Eight Years? My family would be homeless and starving.
10 million a month in Iraq.
Our government would not spend that kind of money if they were not making money.
Even Reagan had a trickle down theory! C'mon! We invaded an oil bearing country people.
We should be swimming in oil.
The sad thing is we invaded that country for nothing.
We did it for a lie.
We as Americans, should be ashamed.
Not for going along with Bush and his agenda, but for doing nothing to let future politicians know that this is not acceptable and will never be accepted again .
As is obvious now the outgoing President's exit strategy didn't include us everyday Americans.
Even Reagan had a trickle down theory! Barack Obama has a monumental task in front of him.
I think the brother is up to the challenge.
We need to give him our support and a chance to make some real change that would actually help the people of the United States.
All the people, not just a select few.
One last side note.
Did you see the republicans freak out when he talked about spreading the Wealth?