Here are natural methods to increase penis size fast if you are completely unsatisfied with your size are silently hoping that you had a bigger penis.
If only you could just do something about it.
There's hope! While others would bravely take penis pills and while rich men prefer cosmetic surgery, you may risk your health or your money with these methods which have questionable results and possible side effects.
Well, there is no need to worry for there is a way which can help you become bigger and thicker without popping any pill and without undergoing an operation.
With the use of your own two hands or by natural methods to increase penis size, you can achieve a longer and wider penis in a matter of weeks.
The effects may not be the same for all men but the point here is that you have to perform these penis exercises regularly in order to see the results.
There are three known natural methods to increase penis size.
These are: jelqing, stretching and Kegel exercises.
Jelqing is one of the oldest methods in improving penis size which was originally used by Arabians.
This exercise involves motions of "milking" your penis.
This is done to enhance the amount of blood that fills up your corpora covernosa, making the penis become bigger.
Stretching exercises for the penis aims to stretch your penis' tissues.
This exercise is said to improve the length and the width of your penis.
Kegel exercises are for the PBC muscle which is capable of delaying your erection, making you last longer on lovemaking.
These natural methods to increase penis size can be done using a schedule in order to see better improvement.
A very significant thing to think about when trying a workout schedule is the sensation of your penis.
If your penis feels painful and your hard-on quality is bad then down push until things become better.
You will not see any improvements if your penis isn't in a healthy condition.
This is a schedule that you can use in order to get started.
However, you must remember that if your penis does not feel ok, you must not exercise it.
Also, do not forget to take correct measurements in order to see your improvements.
First week.
Do your stretching for 5 minutes.
Next, do your squeeze for 5 minutes and follow it up with jelqing for 10 minutes.
You should remember to be gentle with your equipment to allow your penis tissue to adapt to the new trauma of the workout.
Do the exercises every other day of the week.
Second week.
Stretch for the first 5 minutes, squeeze for the next 5 minutes and do the jelq for 15 minutes.
The pressure that you exert on these exercises must be a little harder.
When you feel pain, you must be applying more than enough pressure.
Do this every other day of the week.
Third week.
Perform stretching for 10 minutes then squeeze for another 10 minutes.
Lastly, do the jelq for 20 minutes.
The pressure must be greater than before.
However, you must not feel any pain while doing the exercises.
If in case you see red dots appearing on your penis, lessen the pressure that you are using.
The red dots are small burst capillaries which should go away and are signs that you must ease everything up.
Again, do this every other day of the week.
Fourth week.
Do the stretching exercises for 15 minutes then squeeze for 15 minutes.
After that, do the jelq for 30 minutes.
This must be the maximum pressure that you can apply.
And don't forget to do your Kegels, too.
These natural methods to increase penis size should be done regularly in order to see results.
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