Everybody is looking to save a few bucks here and there and one of the best places to do that is on your home energy bill. You would be surprised how easy it is for residents of Royal Palm Beach, FL to find energy savings around their home. It's amazing how simple changes that won't really have a big effect on your lifestyle can have such a large effect on the size of your energy bill every month. The two biggest monthly energy bills you have are probably electricity and water. Here are a few tips on how to get those bills a little bit lower so you have more money in your pocket. You can also call a company who perform energy audits such as K&M Electric Supply in Royal Palm Beach, FL. They can tell you even more ways to save money on your monthly bills.
Electricity is pretty important for most people. Actually, it's vitally important. For a whole day make a mental note of everything you use that requires electricity and the final tally may amaze you. Our lives revolve around electricity so it's no wonder that our electric bills are through the roof. For most Floridians, the biggest user of electricity is definitely the air conditioner. Without an A/C unit, living in Florida during the summertime would be almost impossible. The heat and humidity would just be unbearable if you didn't have a nice, cool place to come home to. Keeping your A/C unit on auto can be a great way to save a few bucks because it will only run when the temperature hits a certain point. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to how cool they like their home, but if you can bear raising the A/C just one or two degrees from your normal temperature, it can save you a lot of money in the long run.
Light bulbs are another source that can use a lot of power. Old, luminescent bulbs use a lot more power than the new LED bulbs do. Take a walk around your home and check all of your lamps and overhead lights. Making the switch to LED bulbs, which are proven to put out more light with less power, can save you some money. Even though the LED bulbs are more expensive, they last a whole lot longer so they save you money in the long run.
Water is another thing that's essential in Florida. Everybody loves taking showers, but do you have an efficient shower head? There is a simple test you can perform to see if your shower is using more water than it should. All you need is a bucket and a watch. Turn on the shower and place the bucket underneath the shower head. Time how long it takes the bucket to catch a gallon of water. The mark you're looking for is over 25 seconds. If your shower puts out a gallon of water in less than 25 seconds then you should probably get a new shower head because you're wasting water, which also wastes money.
It's pretty easy to find energy savings in Royal Palm Beach. You can make simple changes like those above, or you can have a company like K&M Electrical Supply perform an energy audit to find even more ways to save.
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