Residual income is the most prized form of income that you can possibly own.
Why? Well, simply because it refers to the money that will flow into your bank account even after you have finished working.
You do the work once and then get paid over and over again for it.
So how exactly can you earn passive income on the Internet? Well, here are some basic residual income opportunities that you may want to consider.
The most lucrative option would be affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of products and services in order to develop commissions.
When your promotions leads to conversions and sales, you will get a cut of each one.
Affiliate marketing is very much a set it and forget it technique and therefore you can set up numerous websites in numerous niche markets, promoting dozens of different products for high returns.
Every single week and month you are likely to be making significant sales based upon your work.
Once you have put in the initial groundwork there is only a little bit of tweaking that is necessary to keep things flow nicely.
Regardless of what you income goals are, it is possible to earn a small amount of part-time income, or an enormous full-time income through affiliate marketing.
Another option would be freelance writing.
It is possible to write and submit articles online and get paid passive income to doing so.
If the articles that you write up are of high quality then this may attract advertising.
While you are not likely to make a great deal of money for each article, if you have thousands of them live on the Internet then you can easily be making thousands every single month as a result.
These are just two basic opportunities available to you.
However, there are certainly plenty more.
Do some research and find something suitable to you and commit to whatever moneymaking venture you discover.