Gout is a type of arthritis.
It manifests itself in the extremities of the body, particularly the feet and toes.
It is caused by having too much uric acid in the bloodstream.
This causes the formation of tiny sharp crystals which congregate in the joints muscles and joints.
It causes swelling and inflammation which can be extremely painful.
However, it is possible to cure the condition naturally by following our specially targeted diet for gout sufferers Under normal conditions, uric acid should dissolve in the bloodstream.
However, this dissolution will be impeded if the kidneys are not functioning correctly.
Also, if your diet includes too much purine, or your body naturally creates too much uric acid, it will not dissolve completely.
The incidence of gout in more prevalent in people who are overweight.
It is therefore strongly advised that your weight should be kept within the recommendations for your gender and height.
Drinking lots of fluids (excepting alcohol) can flush out the troublesome crystals.
However, following a low purine diet to avoid too much uric acid being produced is an important factor.
Foods that are high in Purines and which therefore should be avoided include: Offal, Game, Beer, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Mackerel, gravy, yeast, and meat extracts.
Foods that have a moderate amount of purine in them, and therefore can be eaten in moderation, include: Fish (including shellfish and eels, but excluding those listed above), meat, poultry, asparagus, bran, cauliflower, cereals, eggs, meat, mushrooms, oatmeal, poultry, wheat germ and wholegrain breads.
Low purine foods, of which there is no restriction, include: Vegetables, Soups (without meat extract), low fat cheese, nuts, tea, coffee, fruit juice, sugar, and soft drinks.
There are certain foods which reportedly help to eliminate gout and these include: Oily fish such as salmon (but not Mackerel), tofu, fatty acids, cherry juice and strawberry juice.
A good, healthy, well balanced diet for gout sufferers should include foods with complex carbohydrates, but which are also low in fat and protein.
If you suffer severe gout, a proprietary, natural herbal remedy, from any good natural heath food store will help, and once the gout is eradicated, adhering to your gout diet will keep it at bay.
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