Well it must be election time again and the spokesman for the Democrats is George Soros and he has put out a real nice piece in the New York Times in the op-ed section as he believes that the war on terror is a no-win situation.
Apparently Mr.
George Soros thinks that we should try to win the hearts and minds of the international terrorist.
Although we all know that is a lost cause.
If we send someone over to talk to them they will cut off their head, so that won't really work.
Rather than solutions George Soros condemns the Bush administration and the United States of America for the war on terror.
Apparently he wishes we should give the international terrorist cookies and milk and ice cream when they're done.
That just won't work and we all know this.
But since the Democrats want us to fear global warming more than international terrorism they are using the global warming fear to scare us into voting for them.
George Soros says the war on terror has diverted the attention of our government from more important duties like taking care of our planet and the global energy crisis.
George Soros seems to be a linear thinker and in my personal opinion lacking the cranial capacity to intellectually argue this topic with me.
It is not fair that I should have to suffer such individuals and set the record straight.
I have more important things to do.
The fact is it is election time and George Soros has called President Bush worse things than Hugo Chávez of the Communist Venezuela.
George Soros in my opinion clearly lost the Democrats the presidential election.
The more George Soros talks actually the better it is for the Republicans.
It is amazing that George Soros would write such an article calling for the appeasement of international terrorist and in the war on terror and start another war on global warming.
What will he think of next; having a war on plate tectonics, sunspots or volcanoes?Consider this in election 2006.
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