Sociologists and psychologists offer reasons that crime increases in the summer, but there is no agreement on the causes. Some suggest it is easier to break into a home in warm weather, and others say it is a natural reaction to staying indoors during the long winter. Scientists may differ on the motivations for committing a crime, but the FBI confirms that home intrusions increase during the summer. Home owners have ample reason to guard against break-ins with effective house security systems.
Crime as an Outlet
Heat can make people irritable, and a theory proposed by a college psychology professor suggests that crime is the result of misattributing a cause to a result. Heat aggravation is cited as contributing to a shortness of temper that can lead to a negative outcome. Lashing out at innocent home owners is a way to express anger, even when the victim has done nothing to harm the perpetrator.
Simpler explanations suggest that teenagers have time to get into trouble while school is not in session and that home owners often go on vacation in the summer. The combination of free time and the opportunity to steal something of value creates an atmosphere that is conducive to crime.
Inviting Opportunities for Theft
As the adage suggests, €forewarned is forearmed€. Home owners who understand that break-ins increase during the summer can take defensive measures to improve safety. A home security system is the most effective way to prevent burglaries. Window decals and yard signs installed by security and monitoring companies on homes that have a burglar alarm system are excellent deterrents. A Temple University study showed that the rate of crime for protected homes with house security systems is three times lower than that for unprotected residences.
Clues that burglars interpret as invitations to break in include mistakes that home owners often make without realizing the potential impact. Some signs that invite home intrusion include these:
Uncollected newspapers and mail
Thieves usually assume that the owner is away when old newspapers litter the driveway and the mailbox overflows. Suspension of services is a good preventive measure.
No change in lighting pattern
Homes that remain dark at night indicate that no one is watching television or performing regular activities. Timers that allow lights to turn on periodically can eliminate the impression that no one is at home.
Natural hiding places
Exterior lighting limits the opportunity to hide in the dark, and trimming overgrown shrubs takes away hiding places that can allow a person to enter a home without notice. A major benefit of a security system is that it attracts attention, making a home undesirable as a target for burglary.
Unlocked doors and windows
One of the most appealing aspects of a home to a burglar is unlocked doors and windows. The invitation to enter is clear and well received. Security and monitoring systems keep homes safe and deny thieves the opportunity to steal valuables.
An investment in services provided by security and monitoring companies is the best way to maintain the safety of a home. An owner can assure family members of a safe environment that is free from threat of break-in by thieves and burglars.