Health & Medical Acne

Get Acne Help And Clear That Skin

Pimples can affect your self-confidence, cause embarrassment, and make you feel like you don't even want to get out of bed and face the world. Getting rid of acne can be easier than you think. Anyone will surely look better without acne pimples.

Benzoyl peroxide comes in various forms and strengths. As much as you would like to go for the gusto and try and knock acne out overnight, start on the low end, as benzoyl peroxide can be irritating to some, especially if you have sensitive skin. On the positive side, this ingredient has cleared many an acneic face of those who have had mild to moderate acne. You can find this ingredient in ointments, creams, gels, and soaps.

Touch your face as little as possible. This can be hard but can be done. There is dirt on so many things that you touch like doorknobs, phones, elevator buttons, and toilet doors etc. Washing your hands often, at least for a minimum of 24 seconds will ensure that the germs are dead.

Milk and Nutmeg Solution This is a remedy thats been around for many years. Simply mix milk with liquid or powder nutmeg and leave in on the acne for an hour, or more twice per day.

To tighten your skin, separate the whites out from an egg and whip it slightly until it is frothy. Spread it over your skin and allow it to sit for twenty minutes. Wash it off with a gentle cleanser.

Tretinoin, which is a form of Vitamin A, is a wonderful treatment option that works well for moderate to severe acne. This ingredient will cause your skin to be more sensitive to the sun; therefore, it is mandatory that sunscreen always be used when going outside.

You should also change your pillow case every 3 days as there will be daily deposits of dead skin cells on them and when you put your head on it, all the dirt will just get transferred to your skin again and lead to a breakout. If you keep your pillow case clean, you will notice that you end up having cleaner skin as well.

Garlic Oil Garlic is an excellent remedy for many ailments. Simply crush some fresh garlic, or get some prepared garlic oil and apply it to the acne. Many European countries use garlic oil for pimples over all other methods.

Oatmeal and basil are other home remedies for acne. Steep two-three teaspoons dried basil in one cup boiling water. Once the water has cooled to a lukewarm temperature, mix in some plain, regular oatmeal until you've created a pasty mix.

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