Acne is a skin disorder which normally affects the skin on the face, back and chest.
Beneath the skin, follicles, sometimes called pores, overproduce cells and become blocked.
Sebum (oil) is blocked from being drained to the skin surface and bacteria starts to grow.
A whitehead is formed when the oil and bacteria stay below the surface.
A blackhead is formed when the pores opens to the skin surface and the oil containing the skin pigment melanin is oxidised and turns black or brown in color.
When the follicle wall is ruptured, this could result in the formation of inflammatory acne such as papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.
For most adults, acne is mostly located on the lower part of the face and chin while for the teenagers it is usually found on the upper side of the face.
Be it teenagers or adults, most acne sufferers would want find out how to get rid of acne fast, as it really affects their social life and self-esteem.
Listed below are 8 tips on how to get rid of acne fast: 1) Nutrition and diet Although there is no clear link between acne and diet, a lot of people have noticed significant improvement in their skin condition after abstaining from certain foods.
One should cut down on the intake of foods that are known to trigger acne and these include processed food, refined carbohydrates and those that are rich in fats and sugar.
2) Stop smoking It is a well-known fact that smoking causes lung cancer and heart diseases.
Do you know that it also causes premature formation of wrinkles and aging of skin? It causes small blood vessels of the skin to contract, and as such deprives your skin of oxygen which is needed for the creation and maintenance of healthy cells.
By smoking, you are actually slowing the healing process of your skin and making your acne condition worse.
3) Use oil-free make-up and cosmetics You should look for make-up and cosmetics that say "water-based" or "non-comedogenic.
" The use of non-comedogenic products is recommended as this would avoid blocking the skin pores.
4) Shaving with 4-in-1 razor blades You should not use 4-in-i razor blades when shaving if you gave have large acne or cyst.
This is because such razor blades can cause severe irritation and can damage your skin.
If you have "live" acne, always use a single blade when shaving.
5) Washing your face You can help reduce redness, inflammation and swelling by washing your face two times a day with a gentle antiseptic and anti-bacterial purely natural soap such as tea tree oil soap or Cetaphil soap.
This should always be performed after a thorough 5 minutes steaming routine.
After the steaming routine, follow these easy steps: 1.
Get the soap wet with lukewarm water.
Using your finger tips, apply the soap to your face in a circular motion.
Gently wash your face and then pat it dry with a cotton towel.
6) Picking, popping and squeezing your acne If you care for your skin and wish to prevent further scarring, you should not touch, pick or squeeze your acne.
By this, you will be making you acne worse as it aggravates your existing inflammation and pushes the puss wider and deeper into your skin.
7) Using topical steroids Topicals will only address the symptoms of acne (inflammation, puss, itching), and they do not address the root cause of the disease.
The use of prescription or over the counter cortisone based creams, particularly the more potent types, can thin your skin and exacerbate your acne condition in the long run.
Such creams can also cause side effects such as irritation and redness.
Nonetheless, taking care of your skin externally is certainly recommended but you should perform it gently with natural ingredients such as diluted tea tree oil.
8) Water intake You should drink at least 6 glasses of water each day - more, if the weather is hotter than usual.
There are essentially two main benefits.
Firstly, the intake of water helps in the elimination of toxins through our kidneys.
Secondly, water naturally helps to cool down the temperature of our body and prevents you from sweating too much.
This is especially beneficial to people with oily skin who are prone to acne breakouts.
As soon as the sebum (oil) mixes with the sweat, it promotes the growth of bacteria which results in infection in the skin pores.
You can start following the above 8 tips on how to get rid of acne fast immediately.
However, it needs to be pointed out that to get rid of your acne effectively and permanently, all the factors that contribute to acne need to be dealt with holistically.
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