Acne is a vexing problem, especially for the teenagers.
The fairer sex is known to be profoundly affected by the presence of acne in their face.
If acne is not treated properly, it will leave permanent blemishes on the surface of the skin.
These can be more taxing to their minds and girls of those ages are particular careful to choose medications that will remove acne without a trace.
A number of factors cause acne - the primary ones being the hyperactive nature of the oil glands present on the skin surface along with an unhygienic skin.
1) Tea Tree Oil: This age-old remedy is being used in many cultures for the effective removal of acne.
The oil is normally smeared over the acne in the diluted form.
The unhygienic nature of the skin surface will lead to the development of harmful bacteria.
These bacteria are known to reside within the pores of the skin.
These are known to combine with the secretions of the skin and hence cause acne.
In the absence of these bacteria, acne will not be resulted.
Specific compounds are present within the tea tree oil that will inhibit the growth of these bacteria.
2) The metal Zinc: Here is another home remedial measure for removing acne.
Zinc is a chemical compound that is known to provide many antiseptic properties.
Instead of smearing zinc over the acne, it is advised to ingest zinc tablets.
The antibiotic nature of zinc has been the subject of discussion for many years.
Some researchers in the niche claim that zinc does not provide any form of treatment to the acne.
Zinc is found in the natural form in many poultry products - resort to eating these if you want that acne to disappear without any pain, whatsoever.
3) Diet practices: Did you know that you would be able to avert acne by altering your diet habits? The hyperactive nature of the oil secreting glands on the skin surface is a major cause of acne - we had seen it earlier.
Consuming foods laced with more oil will trigger these glands and the secretions will be the ultimate result.
There are specific foods that are enriched with elements and minerals that are known to act as prompting agents.
In certain subjects, reducing the intake of these foods might not induce any form of alternate effects on the acne.
It is better to "test" by controlling fat ingestion.
4) Certain fitness gurus have come forward with this theory - cleanse the body inside out and bid good-bye to acne.
Surely, we cannot clean the interiors of the body using a brush and mild soap water.
Specialized products and medications are available, these will aid in the cleansing of the body.
Many toxic materials are known to be present on the deepest layers of the skin.
The detoxifying medications are known to cleanse these regions along with the colon and the liver.
These products also increase the productivity of the body-cells - something that will be helpful in the long term.
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