They are painful and uncomfortable.
As of this time, the exact cause of canker sore has not been established.
However, we discuss here a few of the causes as determined by medical professionals.
We also give you some useful tips on how to treat it if you have it.
How to get rid of canker sore starts by understanding a few proven causes of canker sores.
People may get canker sore from several causes.
It is therefore necessary that you assess where your canker sore come from.
Common causes of canker sore
- Vitamin deficiency
- Food allergies
- Biting
- Sharp-edged and hard foods
- Acidic foods
- Stress
If you feel that the cause of your canker sore may be related to a medical condition, visit your health care professional as soon as possible.
You, of course, do not want your canker sore to stay with you; I know how painful it is.
Because of the discomfort and pain experienced with canker sore, getting rid of it as soon as possible may be helpful.
However, it may be worth to mention at this point that canker sore may be gone within two weeks.
This is if it will not lead to infection.
Helpful tips and treatment for canker sore
- Vitamin supplements especially Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C will help heal the sore quickly.
- Strong mouthwash gargled for 60 seconds may help kill the bacteria.
Do this before going to bed, immediately upon waking and at least once or twice during the day.
- Salt and water solution used as mouthwash may also be helpful.
- Over the counter covering and numbing preparations may also be of help relieve the pain i.
, Orabase, or Colgate Soothe and Seal. - Herbal preparations may also do well for you i.
, Burdock, Lady's Mantle and Sage. - You may also use wet tea bags, and press it on the ulcer.
The tannic acid in tea is an astringent that will help relieve the pain and speed up healing. - For stress related canker sores, relaxation exercises may help avoid the development of canker sore.