Have you heard about all the omega 3 benefits? Studies show they improve your memory, protect your heart and joints and even improve your mood.
As if that isn't enough, they keep your hair and skin looking great and slow aging.
If it sounds a little too good to be true, consider this, omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients.
And, you know what else? Nutritionists and doctors say you're probably not getting enough of them.
In fact, if you're like most Americans, you're downright deficient.
Fact is, processed foods and convenience stuff many of us eat don't have the nutrients we need.
Especially not omega 3 nutrients.
EPA, DHA and ALA are the nutrients in omega 3 fatty acids.
DHA and EPA power your brain.
DHA makes up the actual brain matter and helps it work effectively and efficiently.
EPA keeps you happy.
Studies show one of the benefits of these fatty acids is a happier, more positive outlook on life.
In fact, 80% of psychologists are now recommending more of these nutrients.
So what can you do to get more of these nutrients? One way you can enjoy the benefits of omega 3 oil is by eating more fish.
Salmon, tuna, hoki and oily fish like sardines and mackerel are rich sources of these fatty acids.
Fish have 30% of the fatty acids you need.
Plus, they're rich in DHA especially.
You can also get them by eating more walnuts, Brussels sprouts, winter squash and olive oil.
Experts say most people need 1-2 grams a day of these nutrients.
That means you can get the fatty acids you need with 2-3 servings of fish a week.
If you add some of these other foods that's even better.
If you don't like fish or this seems challenging, you can get the omega 3 benefits you need through a fish oil supplement.
In fact, this is one of the easiest and surest ways to get these necessary nutrients.
Doctors recommend them to their patients as protection measure.
A healthy person needs 1-2 1000 mg fish oil a day to reap the benefits of these fatty acids.
If you have a heart condition or suffer from depression, you may need more.
Your healthcare provider can guide you as to the appropriate dosage for you.
If you're interested in learning more about omega 3 benefits and fish oil, visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.