With so much information out there today, it can be very overwhelming for anyone suffering from panic attacks to know where to begin.
As someone who has suffered from them for a very long time, I know exactly how you feel.
Recently, however, after spending countless of hours wading through all the different web sites, blog entries and forum posts, I've discovered a revolutionary concept that has really given me a refreshing view on how to deal with panic attacks.
A lot of sources regarding how to deal with panic attacks have some pretty extensive lists of ways that are supposed to help.
Unfortunately, a lot of these techniques are only aimed at relieving the stress of the current situation.
They help you cope, but never actually solve the problem.
Of course, these methods are effective in helping you get by, and if that works for you then great! Keep doing what works best for you.
For me, however, I wanted to rid my life of them completely.
I was tired of having to turn down opportunities because I was trapped by my fear.
There is so much I feel like I have missed out on simply because I was worried about having a panic attack while experiencing a variety of things.
And that's the trick.
You see, I've learned that what causes us to be caught in this vicious anxiety cycle is the very fear of having an attack.
Have you ever tried purposely giving yourself a panic attack? You can't do it.
The reason being is because you aren't afraid.
You want it to happen, so you egg it on, but it can't.
Go ahead and try.
The key to learning how to deal with panic attacks and living a life free of these episodes is to stop being afraid of them.
The fear is what fuels the panic, and without that fear, they have nothing to feed off of which ultimately makes them die out.
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