Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Indoor Water Fountain Care - A Guide to Peaceful Co-Existence With Your Fountain

There are many little things you can do to avoid the typical problems indoor fountain owners face while getting to know their fountains.
I have discussed elsewhere how to avoid mineral buildup and really, that is the most prevalent issue.
However, there are other, smaller issues that, taken individually, are no big deal, but cumulatively they can really sour you toward your indoor water fountain.
There is no doubt that the benefits of an indoor water fountain far outweigh the little pitfalls, and if you establish some very simple practices from the start, you will avoid most future hassles.
Splashing: Splashing has two negative outcomes: 1.
) water waste requires more frequent refills and 2.
) Splashes may leave mineral deposits on surfaces around the unit, or they may grab dust particles from the air which turn into hard condensations on the surface as the moisture evaporates.
These deposits and condensation not only look unsightly, but both can cause damage to wood and some other surfaces.
Some people put a clear plastic or decorative mat under their fountains; this measure prevents damage, but the unsightly spots and condensations will still show up on the mat and require maintenance as well.
So, overall, it is simpler to avoid this problem by following a few easy steps.
The folks who designed &/or constructed your indoor water fountain will usually include directions for care and assembly (when needed).
If they have provided instructions, please follow the filling directions, as they are meant to produce the best sound effect from your fountain while minimizing splashing.
If your indoor water fountain arrives without a set of instructions, or the instructions do not solve the splashing problem, here are some simple preventative measures you can take: oFill the fountain's reservoir to ¼ to ½ inch below its top, rather than all the way up to the top.
oRe-arrange the river stones so that the falling water does not create a splash.
If there are no river stones, but the reservoir is deep enough, consider adding some stones (or bits of art glass, shell, or other irregularly shaped pieces that can stay under water without damage).
The quantity & placement will require some experimentation, but after a few minutes, you'll find a solution you like and can keep.
oFor many indoor water fountains, the pump will feature the ability to regulate the rate of water flow and sometimes a lower flow rate will eliminate the splash problem.
oOne more possibility is that your fountain is not situated on a level surface.
This would cause the water to fall at a slightly different from the optimum angle and create splashing.
If this is the case with your indoor water fountain, bringing the unit to a level position is done similarly to leveling a table or chair leg by inserting a solid material, wedge-like, under the down slope side.
An inexpensive leveling bubble gauge available from most hardware shops will greatly assist you in this effort.
The final solution may be the result of several small trial and error attempts, but will be permanent when done.
Condensation: Very simply put, condensation will occur only when the water in your fountain is colder than the air around it.
Use of room temperature water will completely eliminate this problem.
The best policy is to have re-fills at room temperature on-hand.
No more condensation.
If you've taken care to put your indoor water fountain somewhere you like and where it won't be disturbed by normal daily activity, and you follow the above guidelines, you and your water fountain will co-exist, peacefully, for years.
All that remains is to enjoy the many benefits of ownership.

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