Undoubtedly you are reading this because you have a problem of ejaculating too soon.
You would like to stop premature ejaculation but don't know how to do it.
Well before you can stop it, you need to be able to accept 3 facts.
Let's take a look...
Fact #1: Face The Fact That You Have A Problem There are men who think they're not the ones with the problem.
While they can only thrust for 30-40 seconds, it is the fault of someone or something else.
Unfortunately unless they accept the fact that the problem does lie with them, they will never experience the true pleasures that come from a good sexual relationship.
In fact, it would be safe to say they will never manage any serious relationship.
Fact #2: Premature Ejaculation Will Not Disappear By Itself! By thinking it will eventually take care of itself would be a huge mistake.
In fact, if left untouched, the problem of PE will make things a lot worse! It will produce a lack of confidence which will lead to poor self-esteem and then there will be a withdrawal from sex all together.
Do not think it will take care of itself.
You need to fix it.
Fact #3: You Must Take Action To Solve The Problem! It all boils down to you deciding you want to stop premature ejaculation and become a sexual stallion in bed.
When you decide this is for you, then you need to take action! Get a training manual and start performing the exercises and techniques on a daily basis and see the great results occur within a few days.
Sitting around pouting about your problem will not get you anywhere! Take action today!
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