After numerous studies, it is no doubt that the air we breathe can contribute to the development of many diseases that destroy our world today. Air pollution causes so many health problems to the point that some experts wonder whether human being breathe to live or to die. The quality of air inside your homes and offices makes no difference; indoor air quality is even worse sometimes. Even when your house seems to be clean, the air is filled with pollutants that can lead to life threatening disease and death.
Harmful pollutants in the air can come from various sources:
- Transformation of gas in solid particles: gas-engines emit black smoke, soot particles consist of carbon and impregnated with various harmful substances, particularly hydrocarbons. These toxic particles are capable of reaching the lungs and caused various diseases including lung cancer.
- Direct discharges into the atmosphere - direct discharges into the atmosphere can be resulted from road transport, industry and domestic heating in particular. These pollutants remain suspended in the air and enter your respiratory system when you breathe in. Therefore, these particles can enter into direct contact with the lungs and causes allergies and serious illnesses.
- Suspended particles - that were deposited by wind or vehicular traffic. The dust generated by wind or the movement of vehicles containing heavy metals that can not only enter your respiratory system but also contaminate the food chains. Depending on their chemical state, the effects of these heavy can produce irreparable effects on your health.
Many recent studies have shown that air pollution causes an increase in mortality in children as in adults. It is estimated that around 30 000 deaths each year are linked to air pollution.
Effects of air pollution on children
According to a study on over 5,000 children conducted by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), there are more cases of asthma and allergies in areas where air pollution levels are very high. Children living for at least 8 years in places where air pollution from motor traffic suffer, compared to children who live in places where the air is more or less healthy, 2 times more asthma and 3 times more eczema.
Dirty air increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
According to another study conducted by a group of researchers of the University of Washington, the Woman's Health Initiative Clinical Coordinating Center and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, long-term exposure to fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns increases to 24% the risk of cardiovascular accident, and 76% risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.
The discovery of effects of polluted air on human health is increasing. When it comes to your health, prevention is always the best choice. You cannot eliminate all pollution in the air, but you can purify the air you breathe in your office, home and vehicles. Our air purifiers are able to capture all harmful particles in your house living you and your family a clean and healthy air. Invest in your health, visit