Are you worried about heart disease? If you are, you have good reason to be afraid; and if you aren't afraid, you should be.
Heart disease is no laughing matter.
Every year, heart and arterial disease kills more people than any other cause.
And whether those deaths result from heart attacks or strokes, high cholesterol is usually the culprit.
Fortunately, you're not powerless against heart disease.
Protecting yourself may even be easier than you think.
But would you believe that preventing heart disease could be as easy as curing your cholesterol with strawberries? As one of the most popular fruits in the world, strawberries can be found in abundant amounts on every continent.
Strawberries are an integral part of almost every major global cuisine, and they have worked their way into every meal of the day.
Strawberry remains the most popular flavor of jams, jellies, ice creams, yogurts, chewing gums, candies, and more.
The world is in love with strawberries, but there's more to love about strawberries than the way they taste.
It just so happens that strawberries are one of the healthiest foods in existence.
Packed with dozens of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, strawberries alone can provide us with almost everything our bodies need to function properly.
They're low in calories, high in fiber, and overflowing with all sorts of beneficial phytochemicals.
Among these many plant-based compounds, none are more beneficial for our hearts than the phenolic antioxidants found in abundance in strawberries.
Although berry research is still in its infancy, numerous studies have already investigated the possible benefits of consuming strawberries.
Almost all have turned up remarkable evidence.
Most recently, a major study conducted in Finland looked into the relationship between strawberry consumption and blood pressure in the elderly.
In this study, a group of subjects were given half a cup of berry juice daily along with small servings of fresh berries.
By the end of eight weeks, the researchers found that not only had these subjects significantly reduced their blood pressure, they had lowered their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while raising their good (HDL) cholesterol levels by over 5%.
In addition to the immediate cardiovascular improvements to their blood pressure and arterial health, the researchers additionally discovered that the berry eaters experienced improved blood-platelet function, and had thereby reduced their risk of clotting in addition to other cardiovascular diseases.
And at the time the study had finished, the subjects' health was still continuing to improve, suggesting that continuing a berry-rich diet could only keep improving their health.
Since this study, other studies have confirmed these findings.
A serving size of as little as 4oz of strawberries a day will have immediate and noticeable effects on your heart health.
Who knew that curing your cholesterol could be so easy - or so delicious!
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