There might be a number of reasons to choose contact lenses as an alternative over spectacles-maybe you want to simply look good, or are sick of losing your glass all over the place.
Contact lenses beat traditional glasses on a number of fronts.
The biggest advantage, according to the American Optometric Association, is that it gives users a broader, less obstructed field of vision.
Lenses, which move the eye, mean that you won't get distortion in your peripheral vision.
Moreover, contact lenses provide ease of use-they are suitable for wearing while playing sports, for instance, since they won't 'fall off' like traditional glasses.
Moreover, contact lenses are quite a style statement-many teenagers even wear colored lenses.
If nothing, they make you look better, which gives your self-esteem a boost.
Contact lenses are not just another accessory you use.
It is an essential ingredient in any personal style makeover.
Ever thought why you never end up being the most popular guy/girl on campus? Well, it's not your clothes, not your hair, nor the way you talk.
What you need to do away with is the geeky look your glasses give you.
Shift to contacts and feel the difference.
Contact lenses are available for all kinds of activities.
Some are designed specifically for reading and close vision, while others are dual purpose.
Lenses are available in a whole range of colors-which ensures the right look-and prices-which takes care of your budget.
Even on the internet, one can find a number of brands marketing their eye accessories.
And while you might be tempted to get carried away with the wide variety available, you must carefully browse through the product information to ascertain what lens will suit your requirements best.
There are also a number of promotional offers to be found online.
Very often you may even come across some very good branded eye accessories available at huge discounts.
At the same time, it is not necessary that you should only go in for branded lenses.
There are a number of not so well-known brands that make excellent products.
It would be best if you could familiarize yourself with the basic styles and features of contact lenses before you head out shopping.
It will help you make a wise decision.
In fact, many contact lenses users actually find it more convenient to shop for lenses online rather than got to a mall.
The internet is far more convenient, and also allows one access to much broader variety that any real brick and mortar shop.
But before you make your final purchase, you should be aware of the few disadvantages contact lenses have over conventional glasses.
Lenses require a lot more care and supervision, which makes them less durable.
Lenses are also likely to teat.
Moreover, wearing lenses can often be time consuming, and many people find this a very bothersome aspect.
Now that you know the pros and cons, go ahead and make the right choice!
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