I've played Left 4 Dead for HOURS on end on both PC and 360.
My friend and I worked hard to beat every campaign on Expert and acquire all of the achievements on the 360.
I found L4D2 on Steam for $20+ so I bought it.
It's fun, it has more weapons, and more campaigns.
But it only makes me want to play the original again.
My friend doesn't play it much anymore and none of my Steam friends are online when I am so I'm stuck playing Left 4 Dead 2 since I had not played the game completely by myself.
But just like L4D1 the game can only be so entertaining alone.
You need friends to play with.
And well, I'm not too big on the new survivors in L4D2 and the game just doesn't thrill me like L4D1 did.
I personally dislike the skins for the new L4D1 infected (Hunter, Smoker, Boomer, Tank).
I have friends considering getting L4D and I suggest to them to get L4D1 because they'd already have a friend willing to play.
I'm DYING to play L4D again but can't find anyone to play with.
I'm not big on just finding a random person to play with, that's never fun to me.
To me, a part of the Left 4 Dead experience is the personality of the game.
Louis was likable, Bill was likable, Zoey was likable, HELL, even Francis was likable and I disliked him for whatever reason.
Playing as the new survivors just makes me want to play as the old again.
In L4D everyone had a favorite.
In L4D2 people just seem to pick the least irritating character.
Usually Nick.
And others just pick Ellis because he's humorous, not a bad thing.
He is funny, just, rubs me the wrong way.
I merely pick Coach because he's one of the lesser picked characters.
He's no Louis, I was ALWAYS Louis, even if I had to quit the game, have my friend kill Francis and Zoey, then re-invite me so I was forced to play as him.
So really, all in all, L4D2 is a really fun game and can be addicting, but to those who played and loved the first it just leaves them yearning for the original again.
There also seems to be the problem of always being up to your neck in infected.
There's no point to catch your breath and heaven forbid you get boomered on.
I can guarantee you that if you get vomited on you will get spitted right after.
There's no moment of safety.
In the original if one of us got vomited on we led them to a closet or small hallway and helped defend him until he could see again.
This was essential in Expert since infected did so much damage with a single hit.
Don't even try that on L4D2 or you will get spitted and be forced to run, breaking your formation and leaving the poor boomered sap alone to die.
Tl;dr translation: L4D2 is cool and has more to offer, but leaves a bit of a bitter taste and a longing for the original if you played and LOVED it.
DLC: The Passing Overall The Passing was a decent campaign which could have been better had Valve not gotten it's fanbase excited for the biggest letdown in Valve history since Half-Life 2 Episode 3 wasn't hot on the heals of Episode 2.
(What happened to faster releases?) Valve got everyone excited for the original survivors' return.
What we got was a "We can't help you, you have to get to the other side to lower the bridge.
" and then "We'll provide you with support from up on these inaccessible rooftops.
" Thoroughly killing any excitement we had of fighting side by side with our favorite characters.
And my sincerest condolences to the Bill fans.
I'm gonna miss that man and his gun.
At least he died as he lived, with an assault rifle in his hands and a cigarette in his mouth.
The only thing I can say is, why couldn't it have been all 4 of the new survivors instead?
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