Smoking is both a physical and an emotional addiction which is very difficult for most people to give up.
The physical addiction is perhaps the easiest to break.
Acupuncture Detoxification Therapy is most successful at controlling the cravings and withdrawal symptoms by detoxifying the body to nicotine and the related smoking byproducts.
The emotional addiction of smoking is indeed the hardest and most difficult to break.
Even drug and alcohol addicts admit that breaking the cigarette habit is more difficult that breaking their drug or alcohol addiction.
One of the reasons for this difficulty lies in the fact that the short term consequences of smoking (i.
: stained fingers and teeth, bad breath, a cigarette burn in the clothing, etc.
) are almost insignificant when compared to the long term smoking consequences (i.
: lethal damage to the cardio vascular system, respiratory system, and every other organ of the body including an increased risk of developing cataracts, etc.
) The difference between the emotional addiction of drugs vs.
smoking can easily be seen by comparing the short term consequences with the long term consequences.
In drug and alcohol addiction, the short term consequences are just as severe as the long term consequences (i.
: incarceration, loss of family, loss of finances, the actual cost of the habit itself, loss of life from over dose or interaction with other drugs, etc.
) Therefore, since it is only the long term negative consequences of smoking which are severe (LETHAL) we, as humans, have a tendency to give weight only to the short term effects of our actions.
With this style of thinking it's extremely easy for one to say, "I can always quite...
Hence, the emotional component of the smoking addiction is of far greater importance than the physical component.
So, here are the steps to smoking cessation.
Seek out a suitable acupuncture detoxification program for the physical addiction.
Benham Chiropractic offers Acupuncture Detoxification Therapy at its clinic.
Remind yourself that you and you alone must overcome the emotional addiction and institute the following steps: · Break the addiction by going cold turkey.
Throw away all forms of tobacco immediately.
After all, you are quitting - SO QUIT.
· Avoid sugars, gums, candy, mints, and caffeine as these can intensify the physical and emotional cravings.
· Find something else to do with your hands and fingers.
There is an emotional feeling about just holding a cigarette.
Replace the cigarette with a pencil, pen, tooth pick, rubber ball, etc.
The same applies to the lips and mouth.
· Avoid all triggers such as smoky places, smoking sections in restaurants, and people who are still smoking.
Any recovering addict will tell you that you must avoid all triggers to your addiction which include: People, Places, and Things.
· Learn to RELAX.
One of the common myths about smoking is that it was relaxing.
How can smoking be relaxing when it elevates the blood pressure, constrict the blood vessels, and increases the heart rate even only after a couple of puffs? The only reason smoking appeared to be relaxing was that you had to take a break from what ever it was that you were doing to have a smoke.
So take a break without a cigarette - it will become even more relaxing! If you should happen to fall off the wagon, then pick yourself up and admit to yourself that you can do this.
After all, millions of people have kicked the habit before you and most of them did not succeed the first time.
You owe it to yourself and your long-term health to stop smoking - TODAY!