Family & Relationships Weddings

Wedding Bouquets Made From Autumn Leaves

    Single Color Inspiration

    • One way to ensure your wedding bouquet will look elegant and will be memorable is to use roses as the basis for the arrangement. Petite roses add a look of whimsy and soft romance to the bouquet. When going this route, match leaf shades to the roses' color. For example, if you make a bouquet with yellow roses, sprinkle the arrangement with golden-colored leaves.

    Elaborate Ideas

    • Create an arrangement by interweaving various types of flowers and several leaf colors into the floral bundle. For example, if you've decided on an outdoor wedding, crafting a bouquet with wildflowers draws an element of natural beauty further into your bouquet. Begin this option by bundling hot orange circus roses and sliding in stems of yellow Oncidium orchids. Don't forget to include leaves in various hues of red, orange and gold, and allow the leaves to drape down over the sides of the arrangement for eye-catching visual effect.

    Sentimental Meaning

    • Trees that hold sentimental value are prime options when searching for ideas regarding how to use fall leaves in your bouquets. If your sweetie proposed to you in a park or garden or even the backyard the two of you share, pulling leaves from this tree adds personal value to the floral arrangement. When you can't gain direct access to that exact tree again, find the same type of tree in a public place and extract leaves from that one.

    Preserving the Colors

    • Once you've selected the leaves you wish to use in your bouquet the next step is to immediately preserve the leaves. One quick and easy way to complete this task is to fill a large rectangular plastic container with warm water. Use two parts water to each single part glycerin. Arrange the leaves in the container weighing them down with small rocks and let them sit submerged for two to six days. This process will leave the flowers soft and pliable, and the leaves will retain their full color. Wipe off all excess liquid before adding leaves to bouquets.

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