Student credit card debt isn't a laughing matter, and if you're looking at your bills right now, and you notice that you're head over heels in debt, and not love, you're going to have some troubles.
Thankfully, you're going to find that getting out of debt isn't hard, it's just going to take some hard work, and let me walk your way through it.
Have Motivation: If you're not motivated, you won't go anywhere.
In fact, you probably won't go anywhere in life.
It sounds so mean, but it's true.
Think about it, if you're going to sit on your butt, watch TV, and expect a $100 bill to float down on your lap, it's not going to happen! Instead, you need to get up, make a plan, and tell yourself that it's going to happen.
Discipline: Get out there, earn that money, and even if you're paying the minimums, you're getting somewhere.
You'll want to set a plan with your money, and stick with that plan.
Make sure that you know how to discipline yourself, and pay the bills each, and every month.
By doing so, you're going to get ahead of yourself, which is a good thing.
Make money: Sounds easy, but many don't do this.
Money gets rid of debt, and if you don't have it, you're not going to pay it.
Go out, get a second job, and attack your debts.
Mow lawns, deliver pizzas, and do something to kill your bills.
These 3 simple tips should kill your student credit card debt, and if it doesn't, we need to figure out something!
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