Last night, I received an email from someone who was considering buying some medifast foods to give this diet a try.
She had gone on the website and was a bit overwhelmed at all of the choices.
She wanted to know which of the medifast foods I would recommend as being the most tasty and desirable.
I will tell you which my favorites are in the following article.
The 55 Medifast Shakes: I realize that there are many of these shakes to choose from but my favorites are what I believe is most every one else's favorites - the 55.
The reason that I believe that these are the most popular is because these are most mentioned on the forums and blogs and also, these are the shakes that are included in the basic package.
The reason that I like these so much has to do with their taste and texture.
They are not too sweet, but they are sweet enough.
But I really like their texture because you can control it yourself by adding less or more liquid.
There are times when I want it to be thick because I sometimes top it with fat free whipped cream to consume it like a dessert.
Other times when I want to just drink it at work I will make it thinner so that I can consume it with a straw.
I like the Dutch chocolate the best but they are all good.
The vanilla is really nice with sugar free strawberry syrup.
With this said, I do sometimes buy the ready to drink shakes so that I always have a "medifast meal" ready to consume for times I am caught without anything to eat and might otherwise eat something I shouldn't because there is nothing else available.
I also am really fond of the banana crème momentum shakes.
The momentum line is meant to speed up your metabolism.
I actually buy these shakes for their taste though, not for metabolism.
The Medifast Bars: I love these for a couple of reasons.
You don't have to do anything to them.
They are ready to go and they are very good in terms of taste and texture.
And, I really can't think of a flavor of these that I don't like although the chocolate mint is my favorite because they remind me of the Girl Scout's thin mint cookies.
The only downside with these is that you aren't given free reign with them.
You are limited to one per day because these are a bit more decadent than the other foods.
The Medifast Eggs: I do like these, but I don't always just eat them plain, as they probably intend.
I use them as a base for a breakfast wrap or for a frittata at dinner.
Of course, I limit myself to fat free and sugar free pairings but I've never had a problem doing this.
My results are really good so my theory is that this isn't hurting me in any way and it's ensuring that I have a little more flexibility in my routine.
The Chili: I use the chili in much the same way as I use the eggs - as a base for other things.
If I feel like cheating on the weekend, I will place this on top of fat free, health food store nachos.
No, this practice is probably not endorsed but it works for me and it keeps me from cheating when the rest of my friends and family are having free reign with football food.
The Comfort Liquids: Hot Chocolate and Cappuccino: Both of these are very yummy.
Now, it takes some getting used to in order to think of these as an actual meal.
But, they are somewhat filling.
And they are a nice option first thing in the morning.
I've been known to mix them together from time to time also.
The Pudding: I sometimes use this dry as an ingredient for baked goods.
You can use this in the way that you'd use cake mix to make muffins and such.
And the beauty of it is that it's still diet food so long as you use apple sauce in place of oil.
I try to avoid sugar all together, but if I have to sweeten something, I use stevia.
I suppose I should say that, most of the time, I stick to the diet as planned and I would recommend that you do the same.
But, sometimes if I feel the urge to cheat I figure that I'm better off tweaking the foods rather than cheating.
It's worked out quite well.
Interestingly, most of my picks are in the basic package so I guess I'm not alone in my preferences.
I advised the person who emailed me that it might actually be cheaper for her to buy a package and use coupons than it would be to try to purchase everything separately.
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