Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Real Deal or Fad?

WeightLoss4Idiots now known as FatLoss4Idiots is a 100% web based diet program.
Its costs are $27 for 90 days of access to their website.
When inside their website you will find a series of weight loss rules called the '10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss'.
They also provide a diet generator that will supply 11 days worth of meal plans.
Ambitious Weight Loss The claim of FatLoss4Idiots is that 9 pounds will be lost every 11 days.
WOW! That's a pretty hefty claim...
Does it seem too good to be true? It may be true, but it's extremely unlikely and unsafe if true.
This weight loss is possible during what's known as an induction or a phase in which you drop out starchy carbs.
The weight you will lose is a mixture of water and fat and also possible muscle.
Taking on this kind of weight loss plan would be extremely difficult to sustain, and would almost certainly be accompanied by a drop in metabolism.
Meal Plan The food from FatLoss4Idiots is made up of lean proteins, fruit and vegetables, and the fat sources come from whole foods like eggs, and cottage cheese.
A day is divided into 4 meals that should be eaten at a minimum of 2 ½ hour apart.
So what's the secret? There really isn't one; No calorie or carb counting, no limit on the portion sizes FatLoss4Idiots say "you eat until you are short of being full".
After you have followed their 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day cheat where you get to eat anything and everything you want.
Then you jump back into the 11 day plan all over again.
Their meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods.
FatLoss4Idiots does have a vegetarian generator where the meat products are substituted with soy foods.
Should I Use It? This is a question you must ask yourself before starting any diet program.
FatLoss4Idiots is a budget diet plain and simple.
Nutritionally it is a reduced carb diet that cycles macro-nutrient ratios to try and trick the metabolism.
It teaches common sense weight loss principles such as walking, and drinking plenty of water, and contains only a few whole foods.
Will FatLoss4Idiots become a fad? It's possible, but in the mean time if you do try it there is a good chance you will learn something about the basic principles of weight loss and lean proteins.
The facts are this, if you choose this diet you are getting what you pay for.
You're not getting anything less or anything more than what 27 dollars for 90 days should get you.
If you only have short term goals then this may be what you're looking for.
There is an extremely good chance that in the short term you will lose weight however, claiming 9 pounds lost in 11 days is definitely a false statement.
Although, with positives and negatives aside people do lose weight with this program, and often times turn to this program when the conventional weight loss program stops working.
Will It Work? FatLoss4Idiots is a very attractive diet program for some; it can be picked up in around 15 minutes and is not full of complexity with books to read or science to decipher.
This program can also be very concerning to others; FatLoss4Idiots is just a website with no mention of any human being involved at all so there is no accountability for the program.
It even states in their terms and conditions that the user cannot email them for support.
To me it feels like an online weight loss vending machine, you put your money in, pick what you want, and take what the machine gives you with no questions asked and hope you got what you were looking for because there is no feedback or instruction.
I honestly cannot recommend this program however this is why the human race is unique and different.
What one person doesn't like another will love and have huge amounts of success with.
I cannot say "do not use this program" because it has worked for people and will probably continue working for people.
What I will say is that there are better options available for weight loss.

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