Category : Software : Technology

Pc Video Cards

A Video Adaptor card is an internal circuit board that provides signals to external display device for displaying images and text in an orderly manner. A video card is also known as video controller card or a video board. Sometimes, video card may be an integral part of a motherboard, and connect di

How to Connect a Launch Pad

The Novation Launchpad MIDI controller is a device meant for use with Ableton's Live software suite. It provides a grid of rubber easy-press buttons symbolizing the program's interface. These buttons can be used to trigger sound playback, as visual faders for live mixing, and even to edit the indivi

Using Voice on Facebook

Using Voice on Faceboook - Many of you prefer voice communication, because it is easier to talk than type, and then it is altogether a different experience to hear the voice of the person you are talking to, with the different intonations. But how can one communicate using voice on Facebook?

A Quick Guide to Fix PDF Errors

With the ever-growing popularity of PDF files, more and more documents are being created and shared in this format. However, with not many possessing the software that can actually create PDF files, PDF errors can cause a lot of frustration and delays in getting work done with these files. Let us lo